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Snakes in Movies
Group Pages

All Movie Snakes
Must Die!
All Movie Snakes
Want to Kill You!
Dancing With Snakes
Giant Monster Snakes
Pet Snakes
Shooting Snakes
Snake Bites
Snake Charmers
Snake Face
Snake Fights
Snake People
Snake Pits
Snakes & Skulls
Snakes Run Amok
Snakes Used
as Weapons
Snakes Used
for Comedy
Snakes Used for
Food or Medicine
Snakes Used
Throwing and
Whipping Snakes

Kinds of Snakes
Black Mambas
Boas, Pythons,
and Anacondas
Unusual Species

Snake in the House!
Snakes in Beds
Snakes in Jungles
and Swamps
Snakes In Trees

Genres & Locations
Snakes In
Snakes in
Asian Movies
Herps in
Australian Movies
Herps in
James Bond Movies
Herps in
Silent Movies
Herps in
Spielberg Movies
Snakes in Movies

Snake Face in Movies

Nothing shows off the skills of a trained professional actor like their snake face - the expression they make in a movie when they see a snake or feel its bite.
These screenshots illustrate some of these award-worthy snake faces. As you would expect, most of them are looks of sheer terror.

Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Cold Creek Manor Cold Creek Manor Color of Night Capricorn One
Oscar-nominated actress Sharon Stone
sees a snake in Cold Creek Manor
Dennis Quaid sees a snake in Cold Creek Manor Bruce Willis finds a snake in his mailbox in Color of Night James Brolin sees a rattlesnake in a cave in Capricorn One
Foul Play The Big Doll House Pee Wee's Big Adventure Night at the Museum
Oscar winner Goldie Hawn is
startled by a snake in Foul Play
Pam Grier reacts to seeing a snake used as a weapon
used against her in The Big Doll House
Paul Reubens shows us how much Pee Wee hates
snakes in Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Ben Stiller encounters a snake in Night at the Museum
Cleopatra 1999 Snow White and the Huntsman 3 Idiots Indiana Jones
Multiple Oscar winner Elizabeth Taylor pretends
to be bitten by a venomous snake in Cleopatra
Kristin Stewart pretends to be surrounded by computer-generated snakes in Snow White and the Huntsman Oscar winner Charlize Theron sees a rattlesnake at Seth MacFarlane's feet in A Million Ways to Die in the West Kate Capshaw puts on her best snake face when a python is dropped onto her in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Escort West The Frisco Kid The Life Aquatic The Island
Victor Mature prepares to deal with a rattlesnake in
Escort West
Oscar-nominated actor Gene Wilder is startled by a rattlesnake in The Frisco Kid Oscar-nominated actor Bill Murray is
python-curious in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Multiple Oscar-nominee Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor escape their underground prison and see their first ever snake in The Island
Indiana Jones Indiana Jones Indiana Jones Indiana Jones
Oscar-nominated actor Harrison Ford is startled by a whole lot of snakes in Raiders of the Lost Ark Karen Allen and Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones Shalako Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade I Dreamed of Africa
Harrison Ford again in Raiders of the Lost Ark Oscar winner Sean Connery attacks a snake
in Shalako while Brigitte Bardot and another
actress cower in the background.
Oscar-nominated actor River Phoenix shows the origin of Indy's fear of snakes in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Oscar winning actress Kim Bassinger does not approve
of one of her son's pet snakes in I Dreamed of Africa
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Award-winning actress Catherine O'Hara
puts on a great snake face in Beetlejuice
Jeffrey Jones in Beetlejuice Multiple Oscar-nominated actress Winona Ryder
in Beetlejuice
Glenn Shadix in Beetlejuice
The Rains of Ranchipur Born Free Horns JumanjiTheNextLevel
Multiple-Oscar-nominated actor Richard Burton and Oscar-nominated actress Lana Turner are startled by a cobra in The Rains of Ranchipur Virginia McKenna is concerned about a large cobra face in Born Free. This is the only snake face you
can make when this happens. Horns.
Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, and Kevin Hart watch Jack Black get killed by an Anaconda in Jumanji: The Next Level.
Swamp Water Lure of the Wilderness Lure of the Wilderness The Mask of Fu Manchu
Multiple-Oscar winner Walter Brennan shows his "just got bit on the face by a snake" face in Swamp Water. Walter Brennan shows his snake face again in the
re-make of Swamp Water, Lure of the Wilderness
Jeffrey Hunter shows us his snake face in
Lure of the Wilderness
A man is murdered with a snake as evil
Myrna Loy watches in The Mask of Fu Manchu
Maverick Maverick Last of the Clintons 3 Idiots
Oscar-winning director Mel Gibson makes multiple snake faces in Maverick This actor just figured out he's about to get
snakebit in Last of the Clintons
An actress reacts to seeing a large python drop
from the ceiling in Bowanga Bowanga
Hard Target Hard Target Kung Fu Hustle Bone Dry
Yancy Butler is surprised by a snake in Hard Target This actor pretends that it's no fun getting
a face full of snake fangs in Hard Target
Director/actor Stephen Chow is bitten on
the mouth by two Cobras in Kung Fu Hustle
This actor just got bit by a rattlesnake in Bone Dry
Bride of the Gorilla Call Her Savage Black Samurai Blood Feast
This actor discovers he's about to get bit
by a snake in Bride of the Gorilla
Clara Bow, the "It Girl" of the 1920s is shocked
to see a rattlesnake in Call Her Savage
An actor reacts to being thrown into a room
full of snakes in Black Samurai
An actor discovers she's about to be sacrificed in
Blood Feast
Catlow The Big Doll House Apocalypto Ballad of Cable Hogue
Oscar winner Yul Brynner is
spooked by a rattlesnake in Catlow
A prisoner is abused by a snake in The Big Doll House A native American man is snake bit and dying in Apocalypto Strother Martin reacts to a real rattlesnake thrown
at him in The Ballad of Cable Hogue
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy Chandu Chandu Chandu
Lou Costello is startled by a cobra coming out of a basket in Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy Chandhu made their rifles turn into snakes and these actors are not too happy about it in Chandhu the Magician
Cowboy The Wild Women of Wongo The Devil's Brigade Chato's Land
An actor terrifies another actor
with a rattlesnake in Cowboy
A Bollywood actor reacts to an over-friendly
pet snake in Housefull 2
This actor just found a rattlesnake
under his bedcovers in The Devil's Brigade
This guy is not happy that a live rattlesnake was
thrown onto his head in Chato's Land
City Slickers 2 Cheaper By the Dozen Boa
An actor pretends to be afraid of a gigantic computer-generated anaconda in Anaconda Daniel Stern thinks he just got bit by a snake in
City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
A woman is startled by a pet snake in
Cheaper By The Dozen
A woman is about to be swallowed
by a giant boa in Boa
Creature with the Blue Hand Creature with the Blue Hand Wild Voyager
Two actors being terrorized by snakes in Creature With the Blue Hand Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon (who was also nominated for this movie) shows her snake face when she sees a rattlesnake on the trail in Wild. Julie Delpy reacts to a snakebite in Voyager
Cold Creek Manor Cold Creek Manor Cold Creek Manor Flypaper
Sharon Stone, Kristin Stewart, and two other child actors
react to Stephen Dorff's snake in Cold Creek Manor
Dennis Quaid sees a snake in Cold Creek Manor A girl's snake face in Cold Creek Manor Lucy Liu is a bit concerned about having sex in a dry swimming pool full of rattlesnakes in Flypaper
True Grit Live and Let Die Live and Let Die Live and Let Die
Haillee Stanfield reacts to a snake in a role that earned her a best supporting actress Oscar nomination in the Cohen Brother's version of True Grit. Roger Moore sees a snake crawling on his
bathroom floor in Live and Let Die
Jane Seymour is tortured with a snake in
Live and Let Die
A British agent is tormented with a snake in
Live and Let Die
Lockjaw Cult of the Cobra Circus of Horrors Screenshot The Loss of Sexual Innocence
Another "help it's an enormous killer snake that's not really there but I'm pretending it is" snake face in Lockjaw An actor sees that a cobra is
about to bite him in Cult of the Cobra
Erika Remberg reacts to finding a python wrapped
around her lovely ankles in Circus of Horrors.
Eve discovers the serpent in
The Loss of Sexual Innocence
Race With the Devil Race With the Devil Race With the Devil The River's Edge
This is Oscar-nominated actor Peter Fonda's
snake face in Race With the Devil
Lara Parker makes multiple snake faces in Race With the Devil
as rattlesnakes fly out of cupboards in her motor home.
Multiple-Oscar-winning actor Anthony Quinn and
Oscar-winning actor Ray Milland stop fighting when
they see a rattlesnake nearby in The River's Edge
Shotgun Nadine Mademoiselle Never Say Never Again
An actor is tied up and tortured
with a rattlesnake in Shotgun
Kim Bassinger reacts to finding a snake
under her bedcovers in Nadine
The great French actress Jeanne Moreau reacts to seeing a strange man showing her a snake wrapped around his waist in Mademoiselle. An actor reacts to seeing a snake thrown
into his car in Never Say Never Again
Poker run Shadow of the Hawk The Sadist The Sadist
Jasmine Waltz puts on her best
snake face in Poker Run
Oscar nominated actor Chief Dan George pretends a
harmless milk snake is a killer in Shadow of the Hawk
Arch Hall Jr. gives an Oscar-worthy snake-face performance in The Sadist.
(Actually, he makes the same bug-eyed face in almost every scene in the movie.)
The Perils of Pauline Posse From Hell Road to Zanzibar Nowhere Land
Actors frightened by a snake put in a basket to kill them in the 1914 silent serial The Perils of Pauline Zohra Lampert doesn't like being abducted
and tied up next to a rattlesnake in Posse From Hell
Oscar-winning actor Bing Crosby and perennial
Oscar-loser Bob Hope show their snake faces in
Road to Zanzibar
This is veteran actor John Polito's subtle snake face as he finds himself trapped with a bunch of rattlesnakes in
Nowhere Land
Devil Woman Anacondas HBO I Dreamed of Africa Escort West
Help it's a snake! Devil Woman This actor is about to get crushed by a gigantic computer-generated snake in
Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid
This actor was just bitten by his pet
Puff Adder in I Dreamed of Africa
A Native American actor gets a rattlesnake
thrown around his neck in Escort West
Dark Tide Dark Tide Meltdown The Dude Ranger
An actor realizes he's about to be bitten by
a venomous seasnake in Dark Tide
An actor reacts to a venomous seasnake crawling
up her naked body when she's in a bathtub in Dark Tide
An actor reacts to seeing a snake on the floor
of a public restroom in Meltdown
This actor just found a rattlesnake
in a bed in Dude Ranger
Vanishing Point 1997 Greed gunga din Jaws of Satan
Multiple-Oscar-nominated actor Viggo Mortensen almost steps on a rattlesnake in Vanishing Point, but doesn't look too worried about it. An actor playing a fugitive reacts to seeing
a rattlesnake in the desert in the silent classic Greed
A British soldier is threatened with getting
tossed into a pit full of snakes in Gunga Din
An actress reacts to a rattlesnake
on her bed in Jaws of Satan
Jaws of Satan Jaws of Satan Jungle Book Lonesome Dove
A child actor sees a rattlesnake in Jaws of Satan Two child actors freak out when a snake drops
onto them in Jaws of Satan
Kaa the Snake hypnotizes Mowgli in the animated version of The Jungle Book A cottonmouth flies out of a river into the face of a cowboy in Lonesome Dove. I made a similar face at how ridiculous this scene was in what was otherwise a great western.
King Cobra Black Moon The Blood of Fu Manchu Fangs
Yikes, that's a big snake that they're going to digitally insert into the movie right where I'm looking! -
King Cobra
Cathryn Harrison reacts to finding a pair of mating
vipers under a rock in the middle of a war
between men and women in Black Moon
An evil henchman holds a snake up to the face of a woman to inject her with its venom and make her an assassin who can kill men with her kiss in
The Blood of Fu Manchu
A woman pretends to be attacked by
a harmless California Kingsnake in Snakes
Lust For Gold King Cobra Yellowneck Strange Cargo
A rattlesnake startled this actor in Lust For Gold An actress shows her best snake face, even if nobody is looking at that part of her body, in King Cobra An actor pretends to be terrified of a
completely-harmless rat snake in Yellowneck
Eduardo Ciannelli makes his best "I just got bit on the butt by a swimming venomous snake" face in
Strange Cargo
Murders in the Zoo Murders in the Zoo Nagin Next of Kin
An actor has been bitten by
a snake in Murders in the Zoo
A man holds a snake around his throat and pretends
to be choked to death in Murders in the Zoo
A child actress looks scared of
a really bad fake snake prop in Nagin
A terrified gangster is surrounded
by snakes on a bus in Next of Kin
Serpent Island Serpent Island The Serpent Warriors Phobia
An actress holds a harmless python and pretends to be terrified as she wrestles it in Serpent Island An actress finds herself in a bathtub
full of snakes in Serpent Warriors
An actor expresses a debilitating fear of snakes in Phobia
Silent Venom Silent Venom Silent Venom The Missing
Krista Allen reacts to seeing lots of harmless pet-store snakes on a submarine and then
somehow getting covered with them in the amazingly absurd Silent Venom
A sailor discovers a bunch of hidden snakes
in his submarine in Silent Venom
A little girl reacts to seeing a bunch
of snakes tied to a tree in The Missing
Snake Island Snake Island Snake Island Snake Island
Four different actors playing tourists in Africa ham it up when they see snakes in Snake Island
Snake Island Snake Island Snake Island Snake Island
More snake faces in Snake Island, a movie that's loaded with snakes and snake faces.
Snake Island Snake Island The Snake Girl The Snake Girl
And the award for the most snake faces in a movie goes to: Snake Island Some Asian actors chew up the scenery reacting to snakes dropping from the sky in Snake Girl
Snakes on a Plane Snakes on a Plane Snakes on a Plane Sorcerer and White Snake
They could have called this movie "Snake Faces on a Plane" instead of Snakes on a Plane since there are so many of them. An actor didn't know this woman was a snake disguised as a woman in The Sorcerer and the White Snake
Texas Across The River The Air I Breathe Tales of Terror 3 Idiots
Dean Martin freaks out and shoots a bunch of rattlesnakes that are nowhere near him in
Texas Across the River
Julie Delpy shows us the face to make when your venomous lab snake gets loose and bites you in
The Air I Breathe
The great actor Peter Lorre is terrified
of a snake in Tales of Terror
Acting lesson number 75: this is how you should look after a huge snake shoots out of the mouth of a living corpse and bites your face.
The Serpent and the Rainbow
Snakes on a Train Snakes on a Train Snakeman The Hills Have Eyes
Here's another choked-to-death-by-a-monster-snake
snake face in Snakes on a Train
An actress pretends that the deadly green goo
the crew sprayed all over her was spit out by a
harmless little ball python in Snakes on a Train
Snakeman director to actor: "Just think of the
scariest moment in your life - we'll add the gigantic
computer-generated snake that's going to eat you later."

An actress holds the toothy end of a rattlesnake
to the neck of a bad guy in. The Hills Have Eyes

Snakes on a Train Sssssss Sssssss Sssssss
Here's another snake face from Snakes on a Train This is how you look when a python is hanging on your body and not really bothering you at all but you're pretending that it's killin you, in Sssssss Strother Martin shows the face of a man who was just bitten by his own monster snake in Sssssss Heather Menzies-Urich shows what a woman looks like after seeing her father killed by a cobra and her boyfriend, who was turned into a snake by her father, killed by a mongoose, in Sssssss
The Southerner Spiders The Bride Goes Wild The Lives of a Bengal Lancer
A girl waves a snake in her Grandma's face
to tease her in The Southerner
An actor playing a princess is terrified of a very slow-moving python in the early Fritz Lang silent movie
The Spiders: Chapter 1
Oscar-nominated actor Hume Cronyn shows
his snake face in The Bride Goes Wild
Oscar-nominated actor Franchot Tone makes a comic snake face in The Lives of a Bengal Lancer
The Mighty Quinn The Reptile There Was a Crooked Man... The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
An actor playing a helicopter pilot pretends that a snake just crawled up his pants leg and bit him on his private parts in The Mighty Quinn A snake face from The Reptile Multiple-Oscar-nominated actor Kirk Douglas pretends he was just bitten by a rattlesnake in
There Was a Crooked Man
Highly-respected Shakespearian actor Nicol Williamson
reacts to seeing a snake in The Seven-Percent Solution
Venom Venom Venomous Westworld
Susan George shows her snakebite
to the face face in Venom
Klaus Kinski shows his snake face in Venom, which
is as deranged as every face he makes in movies.
An actress just out of the shower pretends is terrified
of a snake about a mile away from her in Venomous
James Brolin reacts to a robot rattlesnake
striking his arm in Westworld
Virtuosity Walk Hard The Terror Within 3 burials of me
An actor's dumbfounded snake face in Virtuosity A child actor puts on his snake face
for a rubber snake in Walk Hard
Two hungry men make yummy snake faces when they find a live rattlesnake they can kill for food in
The Terror Within
A fugitive is surprised and bitten by a rattlesnake in
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
The Wild Women of Wongo Wind Across the Everglades The Magician The Speckled Band
An actor is terrified of a python the crew draped over a branch in Wild Women of Wongo Oscar-winner Burl Ives yanks a snake
off his arm in Wind Across the Everglades
Silent movies were all about facial expressions as you can see in this actress's snake face that shows she was just bitten by a deadly viper in The Magician An actress shows her snake face in
The Speckled Band
Women in Fury Women in Fury Snake Dancer Snake Dancer
An actress is terrified of a harmless boa constrictor that the crew wrapped around her leg in Women in Fury An actress reacts to a snake bite in Women in Fury Glenda Kemp shows her killed-by-a-snake face
in Snake Dancer
Glenda Kemp shows her sexy snake face
in Snake Dancer
The Winning of Barbara Worth True Grit Dreamscape Dreamscape
A silent movie actor reacts to seeing a rattlesnake from between his legs in The Winning of Barbara Worth Kim Darby falls into
a cave full of rattlesnakes in True Grit
Dennis Quaid makes some great snake faces in Dreamscape
Dreamscape April Fool's Day Big Girls Don't Cry Big Girls Don't Cry
Is this a snake face in Dreamscape
or is it a Spielberg Face?
An actor is caught in a trap and suspended
above a snake in April Fool's Day.
Two child actors react to seeing a rattlesnake in Big Girls Don't Cry... They Get Even.
Club Paradise Club Paradise Eve's Bayou Labyrinth
Steven Kampmann and Andrea Martin react to a python in Club Paradise Two child actors in Eve's Bayou discover that a motionless snake they thought was dead is really alive. 14-year-old future Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Connelly reacts to a snake tossed around her neck by David Bowie in Labyrinth.
The Kings of Summer The Kings of Summer The Kings of Summer The Kings of Summer
Erin Moriarty doesn't approve that a snake is crawling between her sneakers in The Kings of Summer. Nick Offerman's snake face in The Kings of Summer
is as deadpan funny as everything he does.
Nick Robinson and Erin Moriarty are scared of a harmless little gopher snake The Kings of Summer. Moises Mrias thinks that flicking his tongue at a snake
will protect him in The Kings of Summer.
Spoiler Alert - He's wrong.
Fire Down Below Fire Down Below Fire Down Below Fire Down Below
Did Steven Segal just find some rattlesnakes in his room in Fire Down Below
or is that his pick-up face? It's hard to tell.
A couple of actors in Fire Down Below show what it's like to find rattlesnakes in your truck.
The Far Side of Jericho Prisoners Jungle Book Jungle Book
A woman reacts after she squats down and almost pees on a sidewinder in The Far Side of Jericho Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal puts on his snake face when he discovers a box full of snakes in Prisoners. Actors in Jungle Book react to a cobra that guards a chamber full of treasure.
King Solomon's Mines King Solomon's Mines King Solomon's Mines King Solomon's Mines
Deborah Kerr was nominated for 6 best actress Academy Awards, but not for King Solomon's Mines, in which we see her snake face (with Richard Carlson).
Stewart Granger and other actors show their snake faces in King Solomon's Mines.
The Gorgon The Gorgon The Gorgon The Gorgon
BAFTA nominated actor Peter Cushing
reacts to seeing the Gorgon in The Gorgon.
Three highly-trained British thespians react to seeing the Gorgon in The Gorgon.
Late August at the Hotel Ozone (The End of August at the Hotel Ozone Late August at the Hotel Ozone (The End of August at the Hotel Ozone Lust For Gold Ring of Terror
Two women have different reactions to a snake they find in the forest in Late August at the Hotel Ozone. A bad guy with a badge gets snakebit
on the neck in Lust For Gold.
A woman reacts to seeing a rattlesnake
in her car in Ring of Terror.
Keanu Altered States Central Intelligence Central Intelligence
Oscar-winning screenwriter Jordan Peele convinces us just how scared he is of a harmless pet python in Keanu. Oscar-winner William Hurt has a bit of a
snake problem in Altered States
Kevin Hart is frightened of a cute little
boa constrictor in Central Intelligence.
Kumail Nanjiani pretends to be afraid of his pet
snake in Central Intelligence to fool Kevin Hart.
keeping up with the joneses Identity Thief Billy Jack 3 Idiots
Emmy-winner Zach Galifianakis is surprised to learn that he has been drinking wine from a bottle with a pickled cobra inside it in Keeping Up with the Joneses Justin Bateman reacts to a snake
biting his face in Identity Thief
Tom Laughlin shows his just-got-bitten-by-a-rattlesnake
face in Billy Jack.
Mowgli is hypnotized by a hungry Kaa the Snake
in the 2016 version of The Jungle Book.
Desierto Desierto The Mummy Returns The Mummy Returns
Two actors react to seeing a big pile of rattlesnakes in Desierto. Oscar-winning actress Rachel Weisz hears
a snake in The Mummy Returns.

BAFTA-nominated actor John Hannah's "get that
Asp out of my face" face in The Mummy Returns

Late August at the Hotel Ozone (The End of August at the Hotel Ozone White Huntress Cleopatra 1934 Screenshot
Cheetah is surprised when his horn playing makes a cobra rise up out of its basket in
Tarzan and the Leopard Woman
An actress in White Huntress reacts
to seeing a python in her bed.
Claudia Colbert's Cleopatra grimaces after
holding a venomous snake to her breast.
Animated Vincent Van Gogh is not thrilled seeing a snake
in his paint box, put there by kids to scare him in
Loving Vincent.
White Huntress White Huntress Inferno Wayne's World

Charlie Hunnam reacts to a giant snake coming
after him in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.

Astrid Berges-Frisbey as The Mage puts on her best snake face as she prepares to use her magic to control some monster snakes to help Arthur kick some ass in
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
A guy dies of snakebite in Tom Hank's
hallucination in Inferno.
Tia Carrera's snake face in Wayne's World when she
realizes the real cold-hearted snake is not the python,
it's Rob Lowe's sleazy character.
Screenshot Screenshot Mogambo Mogambo
Multiple Oscar-winning Actor Peter Ustinov sees a Cobra someone left in his bathroom to kill him in
Death on the Nile.
Ship manager I.S. Johar is shocked to find a dead cobra
in a first class cabin in Death on the Nile.
Ava Gardner received an Academy Award nomination for her acting in Mogambo, and I'm sure it
was because of her beautiful snake face. Clark Gable's snake face just doesn't compare.
Jumanji Jumanji Jumanji Jumanji
Karen Gillan's snake face in
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Kevin Hart's snake face in
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
The Rock's snake face in
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Jack Black's snake face in
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.
Screenshot Screenshot Dragnet Dragnet
Janet Munro sees a giant snake in the water then James MacArthur
gets attacked by the same snake in Swiss Family Robinson.
Oscar-nominated actor Dan Aykroyd and Alexandra Paul react to a snake in Dragnet. Multiple Oscar-winner Tom Hanks shows
off his snake face in Dragnet.
Dragnet Prince of Persia Prince of Persia Prince of Persia
Alexandra Paul freaks out at a giant Anaconda in Dragnet. Steve Toussaint wakes up to see a viper
crawling out of the sand in Prince of Persia.
One of Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhall's
many snake faces in Prince of Persia.
Veteran character actor Alfred Molina recacts to a snake head that fell on his lap in Prince of Persia.
Prince of Persia Prince of Persia Prince of Persia Screenshot
Gísli Örn Garðarsson is not happy that one of his weaponized snakes bites his face in Prince of Persia. I'm not happy about having to put all those unusual symbols on his name. Oscar-winning actor Ben Kingsley
reacts to seeing snakes in Prince of Persia.
Disney Princess Gemma Arterton's
snake face in Prince of Persia.
Oscar-nominated actor Elizabeth McGovern as Cleopatra contemplates the "joy of the worm" in Once Upon a Time in America.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Collateral Damage Screenshot
Nicholas Cage earned an Oscar Nomination for his twin roles in Adaptation, including this snake face. Adrienne King, Harry Crosby, and Kevin Bacon freak about a snake in a cabin in Friday the 13th. This rebel soldier realizes that he is about to die from a snake put in his mouth in Collateral Damage.
River's End Screenshot River's End Screenshot River's End Screenshot River's End Screenshot
Four snake faces in River's End.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
This guy just caught a rubber snake that jumped out of his suitcase in Gold of the Amazon Women. Religious snake-handlers react to what they think are venomous
snakes that are made harmless to them by their religious faith in Guncrazy.
Billy Drago reacts to a bite on the face
from his pet rattlesnake in Guncrazy.
Under The Tuscan Sun Clash of the Titans 1981 Screenshot Devil Woman Devil Woman
Oscar-nominated actress Dianne Lane sees a snake
crawling into her bedroom window in
Under The Tuscan Sun
Harry Hamlin sees a python in The Clash of the Titans. Help it's a snake! Devil Woman Help it's a snake! Devil Woman
River's End Screenshot The Canyon The Canyon Shoot the Living and Pray For the Dead Screenshot
San Shella grabs a snake by mistake in
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.
Renowned stage and screen actor Will Patton gets snake bit on the face in The Canyon, cuts off the snake's head, then has to pull the fangs out of his cheek. I'm making the same faces just thinking about it. Eek, my hero just blew the head off this snake while I was sleeping. Shoot the Living and Pray For the Dead.
Lisztomania Screenshot Tears of the Black Tiger Excalibur Screenshot The Player
This is the face a madman makes when his sword has been turned into a snake by a flame-throwing piano in Lisztomania. This gunfighter just discovered that there's a dead snake on top of his hat in Tears of the Black Tiger. King Arthur discovers that the branch he grabbed
is really a big snake in Excalibur.
Oscar-winning actor Tim Robbins pretends to be
scared of a rattlesnake in his car in The Player.
Komodo vs. Cobra Komodo vs. Cobra Komodo vs. Cobra Komodo vs. Cobra
These actors are pretending to be scared of a giant mutant CGI Cobra in Komodo vs. Cobra
Bruka Queen of Evil Bruka Queen of Evil Bruka Queen of Evil Bruka Queen of Evil
There are lots of good snake faces in Bruka Queen of Evil.
Tarzan the Ape Man Screenshot Tarzan the Ape Man Screenshot Tarzan the Ape Man Screenshot Tarzan the Ape Man Screenshot
Razzy-winning actress Bo Derek showing off a few of her snake faces in Tarzan the Ape Man.
Snakes in Movies Romancing the Stone The Snake Woman The Snake Woman
Oscar-nominated actress Kathleen Turner is saved from a venomous snake in Romancing the Stone. Oscar-winning actor and producer Michael Douglas sees a venomous snake in Romancing the Stone. These guys are terrified of The Snake Woman.
The Lost World The Lost World Natural Born Killers Natural Born Killers
Oscar-nominated actress Bessie Love and her character's pet monkey Jocko
both react to seeing a snake on a branch above their canoe in The Lost World.
Multiple-Oscar-nominated actor Woody Harrelson and Oscar-nominated actor
Juliette Lewis freak out when the see some rattlesnakes in Natural Born Killers.
the campaign the campaign Them That Follow Them That Follow
Golden Globe-nominated actor Will Ferrell reacts to a rattlesnake bite in The Campaign. Thomas Mann and Alice Englert show their snake faces in Them That Follow.
Vipers Vipers Vipers Vipers
Vipers is a cornucopia of snake-bite faces.
Vipers Vipers Vipers Vipers
She's watching her husband being torn apart by snakes and he's getting snake bit in Vipers. This bad guy lusts after a tank full of killer vipers he's planning to steal like a kid who wants a puppy, in Vipers. More ophidiophobia in Vipers.
Vipers Megaconda Megaconda Megaconda
Tara Reid cuddles a cute little gartersnake in Vipers. Help, it's a Mecaconda! Megaconda
Piranhaconda Piranhaconda Piranhaconda Piranhaconda
Some of the many actors pretending to be afraid of gigantic computer-generated snakes in Piranhaconda.
Piranhaconda Piranhaconda Piranhaconda Moonraker
These actresses are trying to look like they're not very
happy to see an enormous green screen anaconda in Piranhaconda.
Rachel Hunter shows off her snake face in Piranhaconda. One of the many bikini girl snake faces in Piranhaconda. Roger Moore sees a giant python swimming over to kill
him in Moonraker, but Bond always keeps his cool.
Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda
Anaconda J Lo's snake face in Anaconda is a whole lot of sexy. Ice Cube in Anaconda. Danny Trejo in Anaconda.
Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda
Anaconda Anaconda John Voight gets what's coming to him in Anaconda.
Anacondas HBO Anacondas HBO Anacondas HBO Anacondas HBO
Everybody makes a snake face in Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid
Anacondas HBO Anacondas HBO Anacondas 3 Anacondas 3
Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid This monkey's snake face is the most believable one in
Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid
Crystal Allen gives some great snake face in Anaconda 3: Offspring
Anacondas 3 Anacondas 3 Anacondas 3 Anacondas 3
Anaconda 3: Offspring Anaconda 3: Offspring David Hasselhoff probably wishes he was still on Baywatch in Anaconda 3: Offspring Anaconda 3: Offspring
Anacondas 3 Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood
Anaconda 3: Offspring Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood
Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood Snakeman
Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood Anacondas: Trail of Blood Stephen Baldwin shows what it feels like to be
bitten by a venomous snake in Snakeman.
Curse of the Yellow Snake Boa vs. Python Boa vs. Python Boa vs. Python
Curse of the Yellow Snake Boa vs. Python Boa vs. Python Boa vs. Python
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Kicks Kicks Snakes in Movies
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Playing a game where they stick their hand in a basket with a Cobra
and try not to get bitten is foreplay for this couple in This Kicks.
Lake Placid vs. Anaconda
Snakes in Movies Snakes in Movies Snakes in Movies Snakes in Movies
Lake Placid vs. Anaconda Lake Placid vs. Anaconda Lake Placid vs. Anaconda Lake Placid vs. Anaconda
Snakes in Movies I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore Boa
Which one is the real monster in
Lake Placid vs. Anaconda?
(Hint, stay away from the one on the left.)
David Yow shows us what if fells like to have a
snake hanging by its fangs from your face in
I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore.
Melanie Lynskey sees a snake coming towards her in
I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore.
New Alcatraz (Boa)
Slave of the Cannibal God Screenshot Slave of the Cannibal God Screenshot Slave of the Cannibal God Screenshot Ophelia
Slave of the Cannibal God. Ursula Andress sees a python in a tree just before
it drops on her in Slave of the Cannibal God.
Slave of the Cannibal God. Daisy Ridley reacts to a snake crawling over her shoes
while she is hiding from someone in Ophelia.
Snake Girl Road Trip Road Trip Road Trip
A Japanese schoolgirl sees a snake
suddenly appear at school in Snake Girl.
Three college students freak out after a python swallows a man's hand and he swings the snake around the room in Road Trip.
The Big Sky She Demons Lake Placid Lake Placid
Kirk Douglas is not happy to see a rattlesnake next to where he fell down in The Big Sky. Wait, why is Sheena: Queen of the Jungle
scared of a little snake? She Demons.
Bridget Fonda is disgusted when she sees a snake crawl out of the mouth of a severed head in Lake Placid. Brendan Gleeson is equally disgusted when he sees a snake crawl out of the mouth of a severed head in
Lake Placid
Python 2 Python 2 Python 2 Python 2
Python 2 Python 2 Python 2 Python 2
These guys are all afraid of giant acid-spitting monster snakes in Python 2.
Ular Ular Ular Ular
Ular proves that Malaysian actors can make snake faces as good as anyone.
Ular As You Like It Turkey Shoot Da 5 Bloods Screenshot
Ular Oscar-winning actor Laurence Olivier shows his Shakespearian snake face in As You Like It. Olivia Hussey sees a snake crawling out of a corpse's skull. I'm not sure which one bothers her the most. Turkey Shoot.

Delroy Lindo's face in Da 5 Bloods is not a face any snake wants to see. This one ended up in six pieces.

Frogs Frogs Frogs Frogs
This actress gets to show off some snake face versatility in Frogs. Academy Award-winning actor Ray Milland shows a snake who's the boss in his mansion in Frogs.
Frogs Frogs Frogs Frogs
Oscar-nominee Sam Elliot's snake face in Frogs. Joan Van Ark puts on a snake face in Frogs. A few more snake faces from Frogs.
The Witches Screenshot Candy Duel screenshot Sleepy Hollow screenshot
A witch talks to her snake to hypnotize it in The Witches. Seven-time Oscar Nominee Richard Burton seems much too happy to have a snake around his neck in Candy. Emmy-winning actor Dennis Weaver is
struck at by an angry snake in Duel.
Multiple Oscar-nominee Johnny Depp freaks out when he sees three snakes pop out of a witch's eyes and mouth in Sleepy Hollow.
Vanishing Point Allan Quatermain Screenshot Allan Quatermain Screenshot The Hellbenders
Kowalski (Barry Newman) sees a large rattlesnake
in Vanishing Point.
A man is terrified of a cute little African python in
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold.
Oscar-nominated actress Sharon Stone discovers that she accidentally threw a basket full of snakes at someone in Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold. Murderous ex-Confederates are scared
of a little snake in The Hellbenders
Hard Ticket To Hawaii Hard Ticket To Hawaii Hard Ticket To Hawaii Hard Ticket To Hawaii
These actors are not happy to see the mutant snake infected by deadly toxins from cancer-infested rats that will kill anybody with whom it comes into contact in Hard Ticket to Hawaii A giant snake flew out of a toilet and found its way
to the face of this actor in Hard Ticket to Hawaii
Night of the Cobra Woman Night of the Cobra Woman Night of the Cobra Woman Night of the Cobra Woman
There are so many snake faces in The Night of the Cobra Woman.
Bite The Bullet Bite The Bullet Horns Wild America
This is the face of a man about to cut the head
off a rattlesnake in Bite the Bullet.
Jan-Michael Vincent sees a rattlesnake too
close for comfort in Bite the Bullet.
A young wildlife filmmaker is frightened of a
cave full of rattlesnakes in Wild America.
A young boy reacts to a rattlesnake striking up at the area between his legs in Wild America.
Kill Bill Kill Bill Snakes in Movies Snakes in Movies
A black mamba is not what Michael Madsen's character was expecting to see in a suitcase full of cash in Kill Bill 2. Charlie Sheen keeps encountering snakes in Vietnam, but they don't seem to freak him out too much, in Platoon
Six Days Seven Nights Immaculate Conception Snakes Immaculate Conception Snakes Immaculate Conception Snakes
A snake has crawled into Anne Heche's shorts in
Six Days Seven Nights
A man finds a harmless snake and pretends that it was venomous and bit him in order to get close to a woman. And it works. Immaculate Conception This is the face you make when you put a snake up your nose and it crawls back out your mouth.
Immaculate Conception
A man opens a gift basket and is surprised to see a cobra pop out of it. Immaculate Conception
The Craft: Legacy Nomadland Screenshot Octopussy
Cailee Spaeny is startled by a snake in The Craft: Legacy Frances McDormand won her third Best Actress Oscar for Nomadland. This snake face was no doubt what convinced the Academy voters to vote for her. Alan S. Kim throws a rock at a snake in Minari. Roger Moore discovers a snake crawling on him as he hides in the jungle in Octopussy.
The Scorpion King The Scorpion King The Scorpion King The Scorpion King
Kelly Hu, Steven Brand, and Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson show some good snake faces in The Scorpion King.
Doc Savage Screenshot Doc Savage Screenshot Doc Savage Screenshot Doc Savage Screenshot
Snake faces from Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
Doc Savage Screenshot Synchronic Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Doc Savages's snake face is all business in
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
If you took a drug that suddenly made you go back in time then you saw a rattlesnake crawling between your legs and felt it bite you, you'd probably make a face like this actress does in Synchronic. Laura Gemser gets extra credit for her snake face for actually wrapping a live snake around her neck in Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals. Four of the heroes in Mojin: The Worm Valley, are stunned when a giant monster snake appears from nowhere.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Even the monkeys get to show off their snake face in The Jungle Book (1994).
Barbarosa Screenshot Hercules Screenshot Jungle Run Screenshot
Gary Busey is surprised by a rattlesnake in Barbarosa. John Saxon and Keene Curtis are startled when they find lots of snakes roaming around at night at a ruined zoo on post-apocalyptic Earth in Strange New World. Alcmene (Karolina Szymczak) mother of Hercules watches in disbelief as two snakes attack her baby, in Hercules. This is what Alyson Gorske looks like after cutting herself out of the inside of a giant Anaconda as she demands the other snakes give back her friends, in Jungle Run.
Screenshot Screenshot Sheena Screenshot Sheena Screenshot
Takehiro Hira is startled by a giant monster CGI snake in
Snake Eyes.
Henry Golding is experiencing some discomfort as a giant monster CGI snake constricts the life out of him in
Snake Eyes.
Tedd Wass climbs a tree where he finds himself
face to face with a large python in Sheena.
Tanya Roberts is surprised to see a snake in Sheena.
Screenshot 10 Commandments Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Kristen Schall expresses what it's like to be bitten on the leg by a snake in Welcome to the Jungle. Yul Brynner and Anne Baxter watch three cobras in
The Ten Commandments.
Linda Kozlowski is disgusted when Dundee kills a snake in Crocodile Dundee. A bad guy is terrified when Dundee throws a large snake at him in Crocodile Dundee II.
Fools Rush In Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Could Matthew Perry BE any more concerned when he finds himself surrounded by rattlesnakes in Fools Rush In? Glynn Turman is terrified of the rattlesnakes below him in the snake pit he is hanging over in Thomasine & Bushrod. Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson give some good snake face in Jungle Cruise.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Harold Wayne Jones sees a snake in the woods
knowing he is going to die soon in The Crazies.
Karin Dor shows off her acting skills with a number of great snake faces in The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism.
Screenshot Desert Gold Desert Gold Viva Maria
Kyle Catlett freezes when he sees a rattlesnake in
The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet.
A tenderfoot learns that the snake he taunted and almost grabbed with his bare hand was a
dangerous rattlesnake in Desert Gold.
Brigitte Bardot, dressed as a man, is
startled by a snake in Viva Maria
King Kong 1976 King Kong 1976 King Kong 1976 17 Miracles Snakes
Oscar-winning actor Jeff Bridges reacts to
seeing a giant snake in King Kong.
Oscar-winning actress Jessica Lange reacts to
seeing a giant snake in King Kong.
A guy in a rubber gorilla suit reacts to
seeing a giant snake in King Kong.
Two young girls are startled by a large number of snakes in 17 Miracles
Death on the Nile Screenshot Snake Screenshot The Package Screenshot The Package Screenshot
Gal Gadot watches a deadly snake
attack her in Death on the Nile
A mime keeps his cool after getting bit on the face
by a snake in Jackass Forever.
These unhappy campers just watched a rattlesnake bite their friend's severed penis in The Package.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Oscar-winner Brad Pitt, Andrew Koji, Brian Tyree Henry, and Joey King all react to seeing a venomous Boomslang on a train in Bullet Train.
The Witches Screenshot RRR Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
A witch tells a young boy to give her snake a kiss but he declines in The Witches. A man tied up and tortured in a dark room sees a snake on the ground crawling his way in RRR. Two actors react to seeing a deadly Australian snake in Outback.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Two-time Oscar-nominated actor Dennis Hopper is baffled at the sight of a snake on the head of a dead woman in
Witch Hunt.
A little girl and a man get startled seeing a truck and a car full of snakes and eventually the man is bitten by rattlesnakes in Day of the Animals.
Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot
Actors in Alien from the Deep react to seeing or getting bitten by venomous cobras.
The Trial of Billy Jack Wanda Nevada Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Billy Jac is startled to see a lot of rattlesnakes
in his way in a cave in The Trial of Billy Jack.
Brooke Shields sees two rattlesnakes
blocking her path in Wanda Nevada.
An actor reacts to seeing a rattlesnake
in Sisters of Death.
Another actor reacts to having been bitten by a rattlesnake
in Sisters of Death
Screenshot Harvey Girls Screenshot Harvey Girls Screenshot Indiana Jones
James McEachin comes face to face with a rattlesnake in Every Which Way but Loose. Several actors, including Oscar nominee Judy Garland, stare at a rattlesnake
that someone put in a women's closet in The Harvey Girls.
Oscar-winning actor Ke Huy Quan and Cate Capshaw don't look too happy about what's for dinner in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Babylon Screenshot Babylon Screenshot Mandy Lane Screenshot Hot Shots Deux
Oscar-nominated actress Margot Robbie stares at a rattlesnake she's about to pick up with her bare hands in Babylon. Eric Roberts shows his rattlesnake-fighting face in Babylon. Drunken teenagers swimming in a lake freak out when they see a ranch hand shoot a snake swimming in front of them in All the Boys Love Mandy Lane Ryan Stiles is spooked by a snake that dropped out of a tree into his face in Hot Shots! Part Deux.
Stanley Stanley Halloween III Screenshot Halloween III Screenshot
Here's how you look when a crazy swamp hermit
sends his pet boa to kill you. Stanley
Here's how you look when a crazy swamp hermit
sends his pet rattlesnake to kill you. Stanley
These guys are trying to look like they're shocked to see snakes come out of a dead boy's head in
Halloween III: Season of the Witch.
Xtro Screenshot Dr. Phibes Rises Again Screenshot Dr. Phibes Screenshot Only The Brave Screenshot
A woman reacts to finding a snake in her salad in Xtro. This actor is showing us his best bitten-by-a-snake-so-he's-cutting-the-wound-to-suck-out-the-venom face in
Dr. Phibes Rises Again.
Terry Thomas gets very excited seeing a snake on film. Or could it be that he's just excited seeing a sexy woman dancing with the snake, in The Abominable Dr. Phibes. Miles Teller is surprised by a rattlesnake
just before it bites him in Only the Brave.
Land Of The Pharaohs Screenshot Uncommon Valor Screenshot Uncommon Valor Screenshot Screenshot
A queen is shocked to see a cobra crawling next to her son in Land of the Pharaohs Fred Ward is bitten by a snake in Uncommon Valor. Reb Brown is startled to see his partner
thow a snake at him in Uncommon Valor.
Carol Landis and Victor Mature are startled to see a giant snake fighting a giant coatimundi in One Million B.C.
Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot
Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot
Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot
Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot Calamity of Snakes Screenshot
Calamity of Snakes has more snakes in it than any other movie, and that means it probably has more snake faces than any other movie.
Monster Python Screenshot Monster Python Screenshot Monster Python Screenshot Monster Python Screenshot
A film crew making a monster snake movie with fake snakes is unexpectedly attacked by a real giant snake in Monster Python.
The Serpent Warriors Python Island Screenshot Python Island Screenshot Python Island Screenshot
A boy is startled by a snake in a tree in the jungle in
Serpent Warriors
A lot of people are startled by giant monster snakes on Python Island.
Python Island Screenshot Python Island Screenshot Python Island Screenshot Python Island Screenshot
Lots more people are startled by giant monster snakes on Python Island.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Lots of people are startled by giant monster snakes in King Serpent Island.
Screenshot Screenshot Tender Warrior Screenshot Tender Warrior Screenshot
Staring down a giant snake in Mutant Python Cher screams when she finds a huge mass of snakes under her bed covers in The Witches of Eastwick. A man is startled when a snake fall off a branch towards him and a boy is startled by a Coral Snake in The Tender Warrior.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
A man comes face to face with a giant monster snake in Snakes (2018) A martial arts master stares down a giant monster snake, which you can see reflected in her eyes, in Snakes (2018) She's scared of a little snake on a tree in Snakes (2018)
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Several actors get a chance to show us their snake faces in The House on Skull Mountain.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
There are lots of crazy snake faces in Big Freakin' Snake.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Megan Purvis starts to freak out when she finds herself turning into a snake in Medusa. Georgette Leblanc is bitten by a venomous snake in
The Inhuman Woman.
A bad guy gets what he deserves when a cobra bites him in Hideout in the Sun.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
There are lots of good snake faces in Creeping Death.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Prey Screenshot
This actor has a snake shoved in his face that bites and kilsl him in Swamp Thing. A young woman is scared of what she thinks is a snake crawling between her feet in Drunken Master. A native american woman is confused to find a dead snake that has been completely skinned, in Prey.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Suzanna Love is scared of a snake she finds under her bed covers in The Devonsville Terror. Shirley Corrigan is startled by a snake crawling in her bed
in The Devil's Nightmare.
The protagonists in Dick Barton Strikes Back watch deadly snakes craling at their feet.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Two grad students are stunned to see a man bash a rattlesnake's head
with a tire iron, but his girlfriend looks excited about it in Nightwish
A mad professor is startled to see a snake in a box where it wasn't supposed to be in Nightwish Denholm Elliott is terrified to see a snake wrapped
around his wrist in To the Devil a Daughter.
Snake Screenshot Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Screenshot
A caveman is bitten by a snake in Tyranno's Claw. Sherry Miles is not happy to discover that a rattlesnake crawled up onto her leg and bit her in The Velvet Vampire. This is what anyone would look like if cannibal devil worshipers were about to put a large python in their mouth - Bus Party to Hell. Braulio Castillo Jr. shows us what it looks like
to be bitten by a CGI snake in Primal.
Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Thorley Walters is startled by a snake in
The People That Time Forgot.
Dana Gillespie is wary of a giant snake in
The People That Time Forgot.
A sleeping man wakes to see a deadly snake
crawling on his pillow in The Squeaker.
Klaus Kinski is a strange man who hugs
and kisses snakes in The Squeaker.
Screenshot Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot
Sherman Hayes reacts after a Cottonmouth bites him on the face in Death Curse of Tartu. Frank Weed looks like anyone would when they are being strangled by a large Anaconda in Death Curse of Tartu. The face of a deranged mass murderer as she bags a snake to be used as a weapon in Mountaintop Motel Massacre. The face of the man the snake bit on the cheek in Mountaintop Motel Massacre.
Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot
Liliane Sottane is not happy to see a snake inside a large chest she just opened in The Headless Ghost. Raymond Elmendorf is terrified to find a snake in his bed in Bloody Wednesday. This man is pretending to stare down two gigantic monster snakes in Snake Hotel.
Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot
There are lots of good "oh my god it's a gigantic monster snake!" faces in Snake Hotel.
Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot
There are lots of good snake faces in The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes.
Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes. Jessica Morris plays a woman who is bitten by a snake then chased through the desert by a herd of snakes in Venom.
Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Movie Screenshot
Max Linder freaks out when he finds that snakes have crawled into his coat in au secours! There are lots of opportunities for epic snake faces in the snakes-run-amok Thai horror flick The Intruder.
Snake Movie Screenshot Snake Screenshot Snake Screenshot Year One Snake Screenshot
Julia Roberts and Lucas Bravo are surprised
to see a snake in Ticket to Paradise.
Catherine O'Hara is bitten on the neck by two snakes she thought were harmless in Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. Catherine O'Hara wakes up in the wating room for the afterlife after dying from snakebites and can't understand what happened in Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. Michael Cera discovers a snake at his feet in Year One.
Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake
Alia Shawkat gets snakebit in Blink Twice. Naomi Ackie discovers she just drank
snake venom in Blink Twice.
Intoxicated partiers freak out when they see
a venomous snake in Blink Twice.
Debra Paget is gobsmacked to see that a giant cobra is going to watch her erotic dance in Tomb of Love.
Blink Twice Snake      
Eek it's a snake! The Last Wagon      
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