Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Abbott and Costello were the most popular comedy team of the 1940s and 1950s. They're probably most famous for their "Who's On First" gag but they also starred on radio and television and made many very successful movies. This is one of their later movies. It's a somewhat dated comedy that spoofs The Mummy and other such tomb-raider horror/adventure films. It's about a hidden Egyptian tomb with 4-thousand-year-old mummy filled with lost treasure, greedy people who want to find the treasure, and an ancient religious sect that worships and protects the mummy and the treasure. And Abbott and Costello are mixed up in all of it. It also stars one of my favorite hard-boiled film noir dames, Marie Windsor, as the villainous Madame Rontru. There are also a couple of good dance routines, a nightclub torch song, some good snake charming, and a very charming snake.
The snakes show up as part of a running gag in the movie. Whenever Costello plays the kind of flute that snake charmers play, a cobra raises up out of a basket. We first see it when the guys are hiding from policemen disguised as snake charmers. Costello plays the flute and finds a cobra in his face that came out of a basket above him. He tells Abbott to sit under the basket then plays the flute but instead, another cobra comes out of a basket behind him.
Next, the guys are in a store where Costello finds a flute and plays it, which brings another cobra out of a basket, but he doesn't see it. He puts his hat on the basket then plays the flute and sees his hat move so he picks it up to find a cobra in his face.
At the very end, in a nightclub made out of the mummy's tomb, where the band are all dressed like mummies, Costello decides to scare Abbott with a cobra, so he tells him to play the flute. He is surprised to see two cobras come out of a large ceramic pot. He is even more surprised to see that the cobras are really painted hands and arms that are attached to a beautiful woman who reaches out for Abbott and kisses him. Costello decides he'll find his own beautiful woman if he plays the flute at a different pot, so he does. When he stops playing and turns around expecting a kiss, he finds a huge snake flicking its tongue in his face instead and he is so terrified he runs and jumps through a window to end the movie.
The snakes are all fakes, and you can see the wires used to raise and lower them, but the designers did a great job of making them all have fake tongues that they flicker in and out, something rarely seen with fake snakes.