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Snakes in Movies
Megaconda (2010)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Megaconda Snakes in Movies Megaconda
Megaconda Megaconda
Megaconda Megaconda Megaconda
Megaconda Megaconda Megaconda
Megaconda Megaconda Megaconda
Megaconda Megaconda Megaconda
This creature feature is so bad it went straight to video. But anybody who watches a giant monster snake movie is not looking for Oscar bait, we're looking for snake carnage and a high body count, and this one delivers that, at least.

The basic premise is that volcanic activity opened a giant hole in the ground at a construction site, freeing a gigantic anaconda. (This may be the stupidest premise yet.) The local Sheriff and some volunteers try to help stop the giant snake, but most of them become snake food. There's an attempt to add some social commentary about a real estate development company destroying a beloved local park in order to build houses, but it' not very convincing, even after we hear a TV newscaster reporting about "...evil contractors raping the land, helped by corrupt officials in high places." That should make us root for the giant snake to kill all of the land developers and local officials, but I couldn't do that, not after it ate most of the cast and mainly because it is one of the worst computer-generated monster snakes I've seen on film - and that bar is set very low. I was glad to see it finally go away. The sounds the snake makes are equally absurd. And don't get me started on the fact that most of the people the snake kills are standing still and looking up as the snake swallows them from directly above. That's the standard monster budget snake movie killing technique, because it's probably the cheapes CGI available, but it's always unbelievable.

The snake is an Anaconda in name only, probably to cash in on the Anaconda monster snake movie franchise. One of the guys calls it a Megaconda out of the blue just to remind us of the title.

There are some quick lizard photobombs in the movie, if you look hard enough. At about 44:25, when three people run up against a rock wall looking up at the snake in terror, they scare a fence lizard that runs up the wall. That's how bad this movie is - I'm looking at the background scenery and not the actors.