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Snakes in Movies
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Black Mambas
Boas, Pythons,
and Anacondas
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Snakes in Movies
Venom (2011)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a low-budget thriller about Helen (Jessica Morris) an alcoholic pop singer who should be getting ready for a big tour but instead she takes her daughter Lilly (Oliviah Crawford) to an ranch in the Mojave desert up a long isolated dirt road for some mother daughter bonding and to get away from her husband, but Helen gets bitten by a snake that chases them and then every snake in the area starts coming after them. There's a sub-plot involving a man who stole a briefcase full of cash from a downed helicopter, and the drug dealers trying to find him and the money who Helen and Lilly encounter. The plot is absurd and predictable but it's full of snake scenes with real snakes.

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Helen runs over a snake on the isolated desert road, then gets out and scapes it off the tire with a stick and tosses it into the brush. When she and Lilly get back in the car, another snake is on the passenger seat next to Helen. The snake bites Helen on the forearm and she throws it out the window. Lilly tells her she's lucky the snake only bit her with one tooth. Helen sucks on the wound and Lilly Googles snake bites on her iPad. After an angry phone call with her husband, Helen stupidly throws her phone. It was only done for plot convenience.They get back in the car and instead of heading back to the highway, they keep going into the middle of nowhere. At this point I was thinking Helen is too stupid to survive, but then things get stupider.

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They leave their car and start to walk. When they stop to rest they see another snake and we see a massive wound on Helen's arm from the snakebite spreading. She is terrified to see another snake and shouts that it's the same snake they saw before.

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They finally get to a building but they can't break in to it and there are snakes lying around all over the place, so they run away from the place.

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At sundown they encounter a man listed in the credits as Desert Rat (Chuck Kelley) who gives them some water and blankets and chews some tobacco then puts it on Helen's wound to "draw out the venom that's not swimmin' in her blood." He tells her it's good the snake only got one tooth in her. Before they sleep they talk about the snake attacks and he gives us a hilarious explanation of why the snake is following them along with snakes of several different species, most of which we already know:

Lilly: "I think the snakes are following us."
Helen: "No, snakes don't follow people."
Desert Rat: "They will if you make 'em mad enough. You do something?"
Lilly: "We killed one."
Helen: "I ran over a snake with my car."
Desert Rat: "You didn't get out did you?"
Helen: "Yeah, to see what was going on and to clean off my tires."
Desert Rat: "Female. I bet you killed a female. Probably got some of her scent on you."
Helen: "What are you talking about?"
Desert Rat: "The scent of a female in heat. After you killed her, was there an attack right away?"
Helen: "Yeah, a snake attacked me right in the car."
Desert Rat: "That's gonna be a male following a female scent. I think you killed his mate. I think he saw it."
Lilly: "But what about all those other snakes?"
Desert Rat: "Well, they've been known to follow a female in heat for a hundred miles or more. The problem is, if they're going to avenge the death of a female, the rage is tremendous.
Helen: "Don't you think that's a little complicated for a snake?"
Desert Rat: "Boy, you don't understand. The whole desert is after you and there's no stoppin' that."

Then the Desert Rat puts a rope around Lilly when she sleeps, which is the old superstation that snakes won't crawl over a horsehair rope. When they wake up in the morning he's dead from snakebite. Helen says: "He must have gotten the scent on him."

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Then they run into the man who ran off with the suitcase full of cash at a spring where they are trying to drink water. He gets violent but Lilly sees a snake makes sure it crawls into a canteen. The man takes a drink but the snake inside bites him and he falls down dead.

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Then the drug dealers searching for that man find Helen and Lilly. Helen falls into a shaft, the men grab her demanding she give them the suitcase full of money and more snakes come after her. Finally she manages to get the snake scent on the gangster boss who is then killed by the snakes.

The justification for the snakes chasing Helen is ridiculous, but based on some facts. Male snakes do follow the scent trail of females during the breeding season, but not for a hundred miles and they don't go into a revenge rage to avenge the death of a female. And snakes of other species certainly would not start chasing them either. The only good thing about this is that they did use a lot of real snakes. There are some fakes, but most are real. Unfortunately, most of them are not snakes that are native to the Mojave Desert, they're typical pet store snakes - a corn snake, a California kingsnake, a beauty snake, a milk snake, an albino kingsnake, gopher snakes, a speckled kingsnake, and some solid black snakes that I can't identify.