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Snakes in Movies
Alien from the Deep [Alien Degli Abissi] (1989)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a bizarre Italian sci-fi horror movie about a corporation named E-Chem that is dumping radioactive waste into a volcano on a tropical island and two Greenpeace activists who sneak into the facility with a video camera to document their crimes. But then it turns into a monster movie when a giant metal alien shows up in a UFO and starts destroying the place. A snake hunter on the island provides us with some good snake scenes that all happen before the angry alien monster shows up.

Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot

Jane is one of the activists. After they shoot their video footage her partner is caught by E-Chem henchmen but she escapes by stowing away in a helicopter then jumping into the water below a waterfall. When armed guards on the ground start chasing her, she meets a man in the jungle who helps her get away. They go into a large cave to hide where they freeze still when they see a cobra. He tells her: "Watch out there's snakes everywhere!"

Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot
Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot
Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot
Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot

Three guards follow them inside the cave where they are plagued by the snakes that act like most movie snakes and start randomly attacking the humans. One snake jumps out from a wall and bites a guard on the neck. Another guard runs over and starts shooting the snake. Then a snake bites him on the neck and the third guard is bitten on the leg. After only a few minutes in the cave they are all lying on the ground dead as snakes crawl around their bodies.

Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot
Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot

Jane and Bob go back to his place where he proves the cliche that anybody who is interested in snakes is a weirdo. When Jane asks what he's doing in the middle of the jungle he tells her that he's a "...snake farmer.... For the poison. The pharmaceutical industry calls it venom and pays very well for it. They use it in serums." During a candlelight dinner Bob cooked for her Jane is shocked when she sees a cobra raise itself up at the dinner table, but Bob tells her: "Don't be afraid of Blossom, he's a pal." Then he tells the snake "Say hello to the nice lady, Blossom." Like I said, he's a snake weirdo who has a pet cobra that runs around his jungle home. Later we see Bob putting Jane to work helping him milk venom from the cobras, saying "This one has enough poison in it to knock out a buffalo" then putting it back in its cage.

Snake farmers probably don't get many romantic opportunities in their shacks in the middle of the jungle and sexy Jane who came out of the shower wearing nothing but a loose shirt knows that, so she is understandably on high alert after Bob's romantic dinner. When Bob innocently puts his hand on her she yells: "Don't touch me you snake squeezer!" I got the feeling that Bob was hoping Jane would want to do some snake squeezing for herself later.

Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot Alien from the Deep Screenshot

The next day we see another use for Bob's snake venom when Jane and Bob sneak into the waste decontamination facility where they encounter an armed guard. Bob puts a dart in a blow gun and shoots it into a guard's neck causing him to drop to the floor unconscious. Jane asks if the dart was poisoned and Bob says it was but only enough to knock him out for a short time.

We see plenty of real cobras in the movie, but they are all shot separately so we don't see any of them with the actors except during the close shot in the milking scene which used some kind of effect that let them show the snake next to an actor. When snakes lunge at the guards in the cave, and when we see snakes wrapped around them, they appear to be fake snakes or maybe non-venomous snakes. Bob is apparently holding a non-venomous snake when we see him milking it from a distance, which is good because he is not holding the snake close enough to the head to prevent it from biting him. Also, if Bob is milking snakes, he should know that he's collecting their "venom", not their "poison" as he keeps saying. I'm sorry to spoil the fun but even though cobras do have deadly venom, nobody who is bitten by one is going to die as quickly as the three guards do.

You can read a good summary of the whole movie and watch it for free over on