Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
"Cable Hogue says...'Do unto others... as you would have others do unto you.' "
Cable is an old desert rat who has a screened cage full of rattlesnakes. At one point in the movie we see him and a preacher walking through the desert. The preacher is carrying a sack of rattlesnakes, which I suppose they were out collecting, though I'm not sure if we know why. The snakes start to fall out onto the sand through a hole in the sac. He runs off comically in fear while Cable grabs one of the snakes behind the head and picks it up with his gloved hand, holding it up to his face.
Later Cable is in a shootout with two men who jump into the bottom of a pit to avoid his bullets. So he throws some rattlesnakes in to force them out. We see live rattlesnakes actually flying through the air into the pit.
-At least one of the rattlesnakes is a Southern Pacific Rattlesnake. The rest appear to be Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnakes.