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Snakes in Movies
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Snakes in Movies
Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a spy comedy that contrasts an average suburban couple with a pair of beautiful stylish spies who move into the house next door to them. There's a comic snake restaurant scene.

keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses
keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses
keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses

In the snake scene we see Jon Hamm as Tim Jones, a secret agent posing as a travel writer, and Zach Galifianakis as Jeff Gaffney, a Human Resources employee at a large corporation. Hamm takes Galifianakis to a snake restaurant called “The Cobra Club” which is in a hidden room behind the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant. Galifianakis freaks out when he sees he has been served snake wine - wine with a cobra in the bottle - but Hamm convinces him to drink more to loosen up.

The waiter brings out a large black snake (a harmless black rat snake I think) and tells him that it’s a 100 pace viper - one bite and you’re dead before you can walk a hundred paces. When Galifianakis freaks out again, Hamm asks him what did he think they served in a snake restaurant. Galifianakis says that they don’t serve pandas at Panda Express. Do they?

The waiter takes a cleaver and chops off the head of the snake, which keeps moving. Hamm tells Galifianakis to be careful because the severed head can still bite. The waiter cuts the snake into several segments which also keep moving. Then Galifianakis’ wife calls his cell phone. She has followed Hamm’s wife Natalie (Gal Gadot), also a secret agent, who she suspects of being a spy, into the women’s dressing rooms in a department store where they meet and try on lingerie together. This has nothing to do with the snake part of the movie but it gives me an excuse to get a screen shot of Wonder Woman in her underwear. You're welcome.

keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses
keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses

Back to the snake - while the guys eat and talk, the snake meat and the severed snake head are been sitting on a plate between them. Galifianakis reaches over to take some food off the plate and when he brings his arm up we see the head dangling from his arm by its fangs. Galifianakis acts like he’s been drugged as Hamm frantically calls the waiter to bring some anti-venom and then slams a needle full of it into Galifianakis’ arm. Galifianakis recovers immediately.

The idea of the snake restaurant is real, as you can see in Eva Nera, another movie on this list that shows a real snake eatery in China where they skin snakes alive. But the snake decapitated and chopped up in this movie is a fake. I think we see a prop snake first, then a computer effect, but I can’t tell anymore, that’s how good the special effects have gotten. The idea of the anti-venom is very fake and spreads false information regarding the ease of curing a snake bite that could endanger the life of anybody who believes it. It always amazes me how much misinformation a comedy can get away with.

keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses keeping up with the joneses