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Snakes in Movies
Blink Twice (2024)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
IMDB describes this as a psychological thriller-whodunnit-mystery-thriller. It's about all that and more, to which I would add abuse of power, rape and revenge, and it's got a lot of venomous snakes whose venom is very important to the plot. To discuss the snakes and snake venom, I'm going to have to spoil the plot, so get off at the next exit if you don't want to crash into that.

Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake
Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake
Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake
Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake
Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake Blink Twice Snake
In the beginning we see a disgraced tech billionaire named Slater King (Channing Tatum) apologizing profusely to the media for something horrible he did, which we never learn about, but suspect that it has something to do with sexual harassment. Then we see him and his buddies round up a few women at a party and fly them to his private island mansion. (Shades of Jeffery Epstein.) Two of the women are Frida (Naomi Ackie) and her roommate Jess (Alia Shawkat.) At first the island seems like a paradise. Everybody wears white, eats and drinks fine food and wine, and gets wasted on drugs. But in the back ground we see that there are in their island paradise. We see an indigenous woman, who has a large snake tattoo on her arm, catching and killing large white snakes. (She's listed in the credits as "Badass Maid" and is played by Maria Elena Olivares.) Slater explains that the snakes are "Lash vipers" and that he feels bad killing them, "but they're kind of a problem." Several times we see the woman putting a dead snake in the bag, or we see a shot of a snake crawling in the grass.

Then one night when everybody is outside by the pool, Jess cries out that something bit her. Everyone points to a snake and Slater kills it with a wine bottle. We see two fang bite marks on her hand as Jess asks Slater if it's poisonous. Slater may be a horrible man who deserves everything bad that's coming to him at the end of the movie, but at least he's smart enough to tell Jess that the snake is venomous, not poisonous. (A very important grammatical distinction that only us snake nerds care about.) And he also does not wrongly cut and suck the wound like we see in every other movie. He tells her she's not going to die, which is a lie, but not from the snake bite. He and his gang of rapists kill her because the snake venom made her remember things she wasn't supposed to.

Frida suspects that something's not right on the island and starts poking around in places where she's not supposed to go. In one room she is approached by the badass maid who encourages Frida to drink some green liquid from a bottle. After she drinks, Frida is surprised how strong it is and asks what's in it. The maid shows her a dead snake and Frida is shocked.

Then Frida starts remembering things she was supposed to forget, including Jess. The other women have all forgotten that Jess was there with them. Frida brings Sarah (Adria Arjona) to drink the venom and they both realize that the venom makes them remember the sexual abuse that is happening to them on the island. (The women were given bottles of perfume made from a flower found on the island and that's what has caused them to forget everything.) Frida and Sarah then make the other women drink the snake venom and then the fun begins when they all start to remember the horrible things the men did to them.

Plant extracts are used in a lot of drugs, including the opiates, and snake venom is also used in medicine, but it's a stretch to believe the fantastic effects they have on humans. There are actual "date rape" drugs that are used on people to black them out, so that didn't bother me as much as the fact that the snake venom was an antidote to the flowers.

Most of the snakes we see are practical effects - snake props - but we also see some close-up shots of albino pythons which the snake props are designed to resemble. Pythons are not venomous, so there's no venom to extract, but and I understand why they didn't want to use live venomous snakes on the set for safety reasons, but since we never see any of the actors holding a live snake, they could have shown a few shots of venomous snakes in the grass, then made the fake snakes look like the venomous snakes. Instead, we get another movie that makes people believe that non-venomous pythons have a deadly bite.

Lizard Scenes

Blink Twice Lizard Blink Twice Lizard Blink Twice Lizard
The first shot of the movie mysteriously shows a very cool green and yellow lizard on a rock. It's a live Mexican Alligator Lizard of the species Abronia. I have never seen one in a movie before and was excited to see it here, even though it was on screen only briefly and there was no explanation of why we were seeing it. Later, if we were paying attention, we learned why we saw it. Right after we first see the lizard, we see that Frida paints nails and that one of the animals she advertises on her site (which she calls Anailmals) is a bright green lizard similar to the Abronia.

Blink Twice Lizard Blink Twice Lizard Blink Twice Lizard
After Frida goes to the island, Slater has a conversation with her about her painted nails. He also asks her how she got the scar on her face, which she doesn't remember. It seems like he's just interested in her, but after we learn of the date-rape drug he uses on her, it becomes apparent that he's just testing her to make sure she doesn't remember anything. Much later, after she drinks the snake venom and starts regaining her memory, we learn that Frida has been to the island before. We see a flashback of one of her memories where she is knocked to the ground and hits her head on something, cutting her face. Slater is amused, telling her that it's going to make a scar. With her head on the ground Frida looks over and sees the green lizard on the rock.

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