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Snakes in Movies
Year One (2009)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a ridiculous buddy comedy (the best kind) with lots of silly jokes and a great cast of cameos and a brief snake scene. It stars Jack Black as Zed and Michael Cera as Oh, (Zed and Oh are two alternate ways to pronounce the number zero) two young men with no prospects who leave their stone age village and encounter characters from the bible. They start at the Garden of Eden, then they meet Cain and Abel and Abraham and Isaac, then end up in the city of Sodom.

Year One Snake Screenshot Year One Snake Screenshot Year One Snake Screenshot
Year One Snake Screenshot Year One Snake Screenshot Year One Snake Screenshot
Zed and Oh live in a village where the only jobs are hunting and gathering, and neither is good enough to be a hunter. The hunters are macho bullies who get all the girls. Zack and Oh are in love with two of the girls but as gatherers they have no chance with them because the ladies prefer guys with big spears. Zed thinks there must be more to life than hunting and gathering, so he decides to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It's the Garden of Eden myth, but with cavemen instead of Adam and Eve. But it does have a snake. After Zed eats the fruit he says that it has sort of a knowledge-y taste that makes him feel more intelligenter. Oh starts asking him difficult questions - Where do babies come from? Where does the sun goes at night? etc. but Zed can't answer any of them. Then Oh looks down and sees a snake at his feet. He asks Zed what he should do. Zed says that all the knowledge from his new brain tells him that Oh should try to eat the snake before it eats him. Oh gives up and whines that he's going to die a virgin.

Year One Snake Screenshot Year One Snake Screenshot Year One Snake Screenshot

The movie then cuts to the two men back in the village without letting us know what happened to the snake. At the very end, in the end credits, we see some small inserted video showing Zed holding the snake and struggling with it. He throws it to the ground a couple of times, then steps on it and wrestles with it. Finally we see the snake wrapped around the neck of the movie's director, Harold Ramis, acting in and directing his very last movie. The credits show that he's playing Adam, and another actor is credited as Eve, so maybe a scene with them and the snake was cut.

The live snake we see is an albino python. The snake Jack Black is wrestling with looks very much like the live snake, but it's probably a fake one, because I don't think they would throw around a live snake the way he does.