Herps in Steven Spielberg Movies |
One of the things I like about movies made by Steven Speilberg is his occasional use of reptiles and amphibians. (The ones that aren't extinct - I'm not including all the Jurassic Park dinosaurs.) This is an alphabetical list of the Speilberg movies I know of that have reptiles and amphibians in them.
They are taken from the various lists of Herps in Movies.
You can see more pictures and read a description of the herp scenes by following the movie title link.
Spoiler Alert !
Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching a film.
Duel (1971)
A man chased by a truck monster, stops to make a phone call at a gas station with a rattlesnake roadside attraction. The truck smashes their cages and some of the snakes get loose. |
E. T. the Extraterrestrial (1982)
Elementary school children set free all the frogs they are supposed to dissect. |
Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) (Movie #4 in the franchise)
Indy is pulled out of a sand pit with a snake that is used as a rope. |
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (1989) (Movie #3 in the franchise)
On a circus train we learn the origin of Indiana Jones' fear of snakes. |
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) (Movie #1 in the franchise)
Indiana Jones hates snakes, but he's forced to drop into a temple full of snakes. |
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom (1984) (Movie #2 in the franchise)
A python drops onto a woman's neck and another python is cooked for dinner.
She is also startled by a monitor lizard sitting on a branch. |

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Evil cult members fall into a river full of crocodiles where they are eaten alive. |
Jurassic Park (1993)
A Boa Constrictor makes a jungle cameo, and it's not even remotely the most frightening thing in the scene. |
Jurassic World (2015)
Snake DNA from snakes in a lab is part of the recipe for disaster at a dinosaur wildlife safari park and petting zoo.
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