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Snakes in Movies
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (2011)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
This is an intentionally bad made-for-TV movie that doesn't take itself seriously, and neither should you. The best thing going for it is the two female stars, both of whom were huge pop stars in their day - Debbie Gibson and Tiffany. Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees has a cameo. The women each sing a song in the soundtrack, and they each make sly references to their hit songs - Tiffany says "I think we're alone now" which was a number one hit in 1987, and Gibson mentions "Only In My Dreams," her 1986 hit. And, as the tagline says, they are at each other's throats throughout the whole movie, until at the end they finally tussle in their party clothes. That escalates into a food fight, then they both end up fighting in the swamp. There's also a good Florida joke at the party - the "herpetologist" brought in to deal with the problem suggests that anyone with a weapon should get it out, and everybody - busboys, women in tight party clothes, guys in suits - everbody pulls out a gun and starts shooting.

Tiffany plays an animal rights activist who releases into the Florida Everglades pythons that have been doped so they grow into gigantic monster snakes that eat most of the alligators. Debbie Gibson plays a park ranger who lets hunters hunt the snakes to save the gators, but when that fails she decides to dope the remaining alligators with steroids so they can grow gigantic to fight off the snakes.

By the end of the movie, just about everybody has been eaten, and the gators and snakes are big enough to swallow trains and airplanes. There really isn't a final battle between the gators and the pythons, but at the end we see them fighting here and there, including at a car dealership that is having a monster sale.

The giant snakes and alligators are the usual CGI you see in this type of movie, but we do see a few real snakes in the beginning when Tiffany is releasing snakes into the Everglades. We see a ball python, a milk snake, a rainbow python, and a gophersnake along with a real live python that Tiffany holds around her neck. I'd much rather see that than a CGI snake, any day.