Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is the third in a series of action thrillers based on Dan Brown novels starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard, including the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. As always in these movies, Tom Hanks goes to exotic locations around the world searching through museums and archives and dusty old libraries for clues to help him save the world while the doomsday clock ticks. (Yes, that tired old plot device again....) A doctor played by Felicity Jones saves him from a car accident and assassination attempt and takes him to her home. Or is she really an evil terroist bent on destroying the world? Watch it to find out! (OK, to hell with avoiding spoilers - for once she gets to play a sexy villain.)
Near the beginning of the movie, when we don't know much about anybody or anything that has happened yet, Hanks is suffering memory loss from a bad head wound (actually from being drugged). After he reads email from his friend Ignacio that alludes to something the two of them stole, Hanks has a hallucination of Ignacio standing right before him. A cobra comes out of Ignacio's jacket and bites him on the neck. Then Hanks and Jones find a secret projector and we see, among other things, a projection of an artist's illustration of Dante's Hell that shows images of people being tortured by snakes. Jones, an expert on Dante, tells Hanks that snakes are the punishment for thievery. Then Hanks sees another vision of Ignacio getting snake bit. OK, OK, enough of the foreshadowing, we get it already - he stole something, he's feeling guilty, his friend is going to show up dead later....