A Guide to the Amphibians
and Reptiles of California Site Map

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California Species Lists

Frogs and Toads




These are lists of all of the forms of reptiles and amphibians indigenous to California. Each list contains links to pictures, range maps, links, references, and information about each form of animal. The lists are in two parts: the first is a list of scientific names, the second is a list of common names.

Range Maps of California Species

Frogs and Toads




These are pages of all the range maps of California's herps put together so you can compare their distribution. Name links will take you to the main page for each species. These range maps can also be viewed from each animal's home page, and, when available, there are links to much more accurate dot-locality range maps.


Photo Indexes of California Species




Frogs and Toads

These are pages of thumbnail pictures of all of California's herps put together for comparison and identification. Name links will take you to the main page for each species.
Lists of All Herps shown on this site





Listed alphabetically by Scientific Name, with common names to the right.

There are two pages: One is a list only. The other is a list with a picture or two of the animal listed.
Undescribed, Possibly occurring CA Herps A list of herps that you might find on other lists which have not yet been added to the list we follow, or which have not yet been described in a published paper, and other herps that might occur in California.
Non-native Herps in CA
Information about introduced species of herps in California.
Escaped Pet Herps in CA A few pictures of some of the escaped pets found in the state.
California Endemic Herps List A list of species and subspecies of herps found only in the state of California.

California Frog Calls
A list of all of the species on this website for which we have sound recordings.

A chart of calls, descriptions, & breeding season information for California frogs and toads.

Snake Videos

Lizard Videos

Turtle Videos

Frog and Toad Videos

Salamander Videos
All the videos of herps available on the site.

Identifying CA Herps

Frogs and Toads




This section contains pictures of herps, brief descriptions, and sometimes keys to help you identify herps you find in California.
Regional Identification Guides

Herps of the San Francisco Bay Area

Herps of Coastal Southern California

Herps of the Greater Sacramento Area
Identification guides to the herps found in the most populous regions of the state.
Beyond California

Pacific Northwest


Baja California


Appalachian Salamanders


Anywhere Else
This section consists of collections of photographs of herps and habitats found in areas outside of California. These collections are accessed through species lists which are not complete lists of the particular region, only lists of the animals for which I have photos.

There are two pages: One is a list only. The other is a list with a picture of the animal listed.

Snake Behavior

Lizard Behavior

Frog Behavior

Salamander Behavior

Turtle Behavior
This is the fun stuff. These pages are loaded with pictures and videos that show some of the interesting behaviors and features of herps found throughout this web site, with lots of links to explore further. It's a good way to enter the site without any concern for taxonomy or identification. This should be an entire site in itself, but capturing herp behavior is not easy. Fortunately, many people have sent me pictures of herps in action, much of which I have never witnessed before myself.
About This Site
Information about the site - our intent, background, and methods.
A list of those who have helped in some way whether they know it or not.
California Herp Diversity
Some statistics on the numbers of the different California Herps.
CA F & G Regulations

Captive Propagation
State laws pertaining to the collection of California reptiles and amphibians.
Amphibian and Reptile Declines and Conservation Save the Herps... 
Inspirational quotations I have come across and a few pictures. How do you illustrate decline, I wonder?
Crucial information about the web site that our lawyers insisted we list for you...
Definitions for some of the terms used here, and some not used here.
Herps on California Islands This is a chart of the reptiles and amphibians that are found on the major islands  off the coast of California and inside the San Francisco Bay, with links to pages for each island including pictures of the islands (most of them) and pictures of the species that are found on the islands.
Signs and Art

Herp Signs

Herp Stuff

Herp Art

Rock Art

Herp signs, art, Native American rock art, and other herp stuff, just for fun.

Pictures of herp informational and warning signs.

Some of the better uses of visual depictions of herps I've run across.

More artistic representation of herps, including some older more traditional art found in museums.

Native American depictions of herps (or what I think are herps) etched or painted on rocks. Nobody knows exactly what they mean.
Collective Names of Amphibians and Reptiles An army of frogs, a knot of toads, a maelstrom of salamanders, a den of snakes, a bale of turtles, a congregation of alligators, etc.
Internet Herping Forums
A list of public forums that focus on observations of reptiles and amphibians in the field.
Online Fieldherping Report Links  A list of archives of fieldherping trips and reports from assorted herpers.
Photos From the Field Pictures of people herping that I've taken in the field. And a few shots of good trash sites.
Fieldherping Ethics and Etiquette Some simple rules to herp by.
Living With Rattlesnakes
Links to information about living with venomous snakes in our world and in our backyards.
Living With Wild Reptiles and Amphibians Links to information about how you can help wild herps survive on your property,
or, in the case of rattlesnakes, how to deter them from taking up residence.
More Resources
A ist of places to get more information about California's herps in print & online.
Needed For the Site
A list of pictures and sounds that we do not have yet. A request for help.
Notes About Our Taxonomy
The taxonomy used here for our checklists, controversies, and a discussion of other lists.
Pet Care Links
Links to information about caring for captive herps.
Recent Additions
A list of new additions to the web site during the current year.
Recommended Books
Recommended books with information on California Herps
Stebbins Field Guide Index
Single-page quick indexes to Stebbins' Field Guide to western herps, 3rd Edition.
Using our Images, Sounds, and Video
Information about using content from this web site, copyright, and a list of contributing photographers and their email addresses.
Fun Herp Links A list of links to fun or interesting herp sites I've seen.
Upcoming Herpetological Events Some events worth mentioning.
Report Your Herp Observations If you see a reptile or amphibian in the wild and want to report the observation to an organization to help them keep track of the status of herps around the world, you can send your observations and photos of the animal to the organizations listed here.
Maps of California Links to a few useful online maps.
Frog Deformities Information about this issue and links for more information and researchers to contact if you find a deformed frog.
Citing This Website Information you should need to cite this website (to help all those high school biology students who have asked.)
Contact Us
Send your cards, letters, and gifts here.

Home Site Map About Us Identification Lists Maps Photos More Lists CA Snakes CA Lizards CA Turtles CA Salamanders CA Frogs
Contact Us Usage Resources Rattlesnakes Sounds Videos FieldHerping Yard Herps Behavior Herp Fun CA Regulations
Beyond CA All Herps

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