A Guide to the Amphibians
and Reptiles of California

Fun Herp Links to Other Sites

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Wild Herps John Sullivan's amazing collection of photographs of reptiles and amphibians from all over the world. This guy has been everywhere, it seems.
Snakes On Film Jonathan Crowe nitpicks some of the appearances of snakes in movies and on television.
Ophidiophilia - adventures in herpetology A great collection of information and pictures of snakes and other herps.
LOLSnake!!!1one A lolcats parody by Jonathan Crowe.
List of Fictional Snakes A Wikipedia list. It could use many more additions.
Frogs in Popular Culture A Wikipedia list of myths, ancient beliefs, frogs in media, frogs in proverbs, and more.
List of Fictional Turtles A Wikipedia list of turtles in mythology, literature, media, video games, and more.
Cultural Depictions of Salamanders
A strange Wikipedia page about salamanders in ancient lore, heraldry, witchcraft, etc.
Snake Identification
Facebook Group

A place where you can send in a picture of a snake, dead or alive, and people will respond and try to identify it for you.
I will do the same if you send me a picture and tell me where you found it.
Sea Turtle Monuments This Wikimedia Commons page shows pictures of statues and monuments to sea turtles from all over the world.
Native American Snake Mythology Information, legends, & recommended books of Native American snake stories.
A Rattlesnake Was the Weapon Los Angeles Magazine: The last California killer sentenced to hang tried to kill his wife with two diamond-backed rattlesnakes in 1935.
A Pet Snake in the White House President Theodore Roosevelt's daughter Alice was a rebel who infamously smoked cigarettes in public, rode in cars with men, stayed out late, and carried her pet gartersnake around her neck. She named the snake Emily Spinach because it was green in color.
Slither Sisters: Vintage Images of Female Circus Snake Charmers and Their Reptilian Friends "Messaouda" La Charmeuse de Serpents, and other charmers. For even more fun, just Google images of "female snake charmers."
Women and Snakes
in Art
Richard Nilsen formerly with "The Arizona Republic" has made several illustrated blog posts about women and snakes in art.
Eve and the snake, part 1
The lady and the snake part 2 (naked women and snakes in art.)
Lady and the snakes, part 3

Squeezings An an online webcomic about the adventures of Boo, the boa constrictor.

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