Snakes Lizards Turtles Crocodilians Frogs Salamanders

Tucson rattlesnake bridge Tucson rattlesnake bridge Tucson rattlesnake bridge metal snake sculpture Cobra Shower Goa India
Rattlesnake bridge, Tucson, Arizona Metal snake, Gila Bend, AZ Cobra pool shower, Goa, India
Ivory Coast snake Rattlesnake basket T.O. rattlesnake basket TO snake tray Peruvian snake jar
Gold pendant in the form of a
snake catching a frog,
19th century, Ivory Coast
Rattlesnake woven basket,  UCB Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Tohono O'odham woven
rattlesnake plate
Tohono O'odham rattlesnake tray, Museum of Anthropology,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ceramic bottle, Moche style, Peru, American Museum of Natural History
Mexican mask Mexican mask Nexican mask Mexican mask snake mask
Mask, Mexico City Mask, Mexico City Snake-nose mask, Mexico City Mask, Mexico City Carved wooden mask
snake art Desert Tower snake Rattlesnake Art rattles art rattles art
Mola, part of a Kuna woman's costume, San Blas Islands, Panama Snake rock carving, Desert Tower, CA Life-sized deer made of the rattles of 657 large rattlesnakes, Buckhorn Curio Museum, San Antonio, Texas Rattlesnake rattle art, Buckhorn Curio Museum, San Antonio, Texas (Detail of art shown to the left)
snake art Austin restaurant Sara and Sam snakes statue Huichol Yarn Painting Austin Rattlesnake Guitar Rattlesnake
Rattlesnake neon sign, Ranch 616 Restaurant, Austin, Texas Gartersnake statue, Inwood, Manitoba Huichol yarn painting, Mariano Valadez 1982 with note on the back: "This is what happens to Huichols who fail to complete their religious vows during their shamanic power quest. The dream they fall into danger and evil, and soon become ill or die. The flowers turn into women, who entice the men into sexual relations, which causes them to lose their powers." Rattlesnake guitar, Ranch 616 Restaurant, Austin, Texas Bike rack in the form of a rattlesnake, Austin, Texas
rattles instrument Indian snake skin drum Redrock rattler art Zuni rattlesnake Zuni Rattlesnake
Rattlesnake rattles attached to fiber cord, Chamacoco, American Museum of Natural History Python skin hand drum, Mumbai, India Rattlesnake art, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Center in Las Vegas, Nevada Rattlesnake, Fabian Cheama 1985, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Rattlesnake, Daniel Quam 1984, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
Eve statue Paul Manship 1935 Chinese embroidered snake snake carving Chinese embroidered snake Chemistry Library of Congress painting
Eve #1, Paul Manship, 1935, Smithsonian American Art Museum Miao embroidery, Guizhou China Temptation, Eluid Levi Martinez, 1990, Smithsonian American Art Museum Miao embroidery, Guizhou China Chemistry painting, Library of Congress
Mexican mask Mexican mask Mexican mask Mexican mask Mexican mask
Mexican devil mask with coral snakes, UCB Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, British Columbia Wooden mask with snake,
Desert Tower, CA
Wooden mask with snake,
Desert Tower, CA
Mexican mask, Tamaulipas Mexican mask, Tamaulipas
Totem with snake Sri Lankan Devil Mask Thai Buddha Cobras Ashanti brass snakes Indian cobras
Totem pole man holding snake, American Museum of Natural History Devil dancing mask, Sri Lanka, American Museum of Natural History Gilded bronze image of Buddha with halo of Nagas, Thailand, 19th century, American Museum of Natural History Ashanti brass figures, American Museum of Natural History Brass cobra figure, Goa, India
Egyptian snake goddes carving Chinese snake carving CDM rattlesnake tail Udaipur India Cobra Art Albany Bulb Medusa Art
Sandstone carving depicting Egyptian Snake Goddess Meretseger, 1479-1400 B.C. or later, Brooklyn Museum Chinese snake woodcarving, American Museum of Natural History Rattlesnake tail, Chihuahuan Desert Museum grounds, Rodeo New Mexico Cobra painting, Udaipur, India Medusa painting, Albany Bulb,
Albany, California
Cobra Sculpture Mumbai Thai Cobra Topiary Mexican Truck Art Thai Snake Show Statue Peruvian Cat with snake statue
Statue of Parshvanatha, North India, 1207 - 1150 A.D., Mumbai, India Cobra topiary, Thailand Mexican truck painting Snake show statue, Bangkok, Thailand Ceramic bottle depicting a feline grasping snake, Moche style, Peru, American Museum of Natural History
Cleopatra Cleopatra Cleopatra Eve Tempted Eve Tempted
Cleopatra, Margaret Foley 1876, Smithsonian American Art Museum Eve Tempted, Hiram Powers, 1873-77, Smithsonian American Art Museum
Gold snake snake in painting Loocoon bowl snake totem Ceramic Rattlesnake
Gold alloy snake, Cote d'Ivoire, National Museum of African Art Aspects of Suburban Life: Public Dock, Paul Cadmus 1936, Smithsonian American Art Museum Bowl with the death of Laocoon, Francesco Xanto Avelli in Urbino, 1539, National Gallery of Art Serpent totem,  Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, British Columbia , Canada Native American Ceramic Rattlesnake, National Museum of the American Indian
snake votive pendant sculpture Rattlesnake carving sculpture
Bronze snake votive, Egypt, 332-30 B.C., National Museum of Natural History Greater Nicoya snake pendant, 300 BC-AD 500, Nicoya, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, National Museum of the American Indian Snake and human sculpture, Wilmer Francis (Duffy) Wilson (Segwoi-Don-Kwe),Tuscarora-Cayuga, New York 1970, National Museum of the American Indian Rattlesnake fetish, Zuni Reservation, New Mexico, 1992. Handrail at an Arizona park.
sculpture sculpture snake sculpture Painting Painting
Rattle Me Naught, 2008  Steve Kestrel  Tacoma Art Museum Snake sculpture, Point Defiance Zoo Tacoma, WA The Fall of Man, Hendrik Goltzius,  1616. National Gallery
(Adam & Eve in Eden with the Serpent, which has a woman's head!)
Laocoon, El Greco and Sons
c. 1610-1614. National Gallery
masks snake man painting sculpture snake art gun image
Sowei helmet mask, Kaiwa N.D., Sherbro or Mende Artist, Jong Chiefdom, Bonthe, Sierra Leone c. 1935. National Museum of African American History and Culture Snake Man, Alison Saar, 1994 Metal rattlesnake sculpture,
Ricardo Breceda, Highway 79,
San Diego County
Snake Charmer, Alison Saar, 1994 Silver Rattlesnake on Clint Eastwood's pistol handle, in the movie "For a Few Dollars More" (1965).
snake painting snake painting snake painting snake painting snake painting
Allegorical Female Figure, 1484/85, Hans Baldung Gen. Grien, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany. A Putto fighting the serpent of heresy, 1638, Ferdinand Murmann, Mariensäule, Marienplatz, Munich, Germany The Woman of the Apocalypse, ca. 1623/25, Peter Paul Rubens, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany. The radiant Virgin Mary with the moon under her feet steps on a serpent, the symbol of heresy, as she and her child are carried away to the wilderness by God. The Sin 1893 Franz von Stuck,
Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany
sculpture snake painting snake painting snake painting snake statue
Medusa shield on statue of Athena, Hellbrunn Palace, Salzburg, Austria The Fall of the Damned, ca. 1621, Peter Paul Rubens,
Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.
Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci c. 1480, Piero Di Cosimo, Chantilly musee Conde Snake fountain, Lothar Dietz, 1958, Munich Germany © Rufus46
  snake painting snake art snake painting  
  Theater sign, Tacoma, Washington Snake painting,
Northern Territories, Australia
Medusa, Caravaggio
Uffizi, Florence
Zuni horned lizard Zuni lizard Zuni lizard eating frog Zuni lizard Zuni lizard
Horned lizard, 1988,
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
Lizard, Lance Cheama 1985, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Lizard eating frog, Schocke Sanchez, 1986, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Lizard, Kent Banteah 1989, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Lizard, Lance Cheama 1982 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
29 Palms Iguana Mural 29 palms roadrunner Chihuahua Desert Museum Mosaic Easter Island lizard horned toad art PHX airport
Desert Iguana Mural, 29 Palms, CA Roadrunner with lizard Mural,
29 Palms, CA
Gila monster mosaic, Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, New Mexico Lizard figure, Easter Island 19th Century, Brooklyn Museum Horned lizard rock drawing,
Phoenix, Arizona
Desert Tower lizard rock art rock art Chinese Reptile Pendant Horned Toads Wedding Vase
Lizard rock carving, Desert Tower, CA Lizard rock carving, Desert Tower, CA Lizard rock carving, Desert Tower, CA Jade reptile pendant, Late Shang-early Western Zhou dynasty, China.12th - 11th century B.C.E., Freer Gallery of Art Wedding vase with horned toad appliques, Betty Manygoats 1988, Smithsonian American Art Museum
Mexican mask Mexican mask horned lizard art horned lizard art horned lizard art
Lizard mask, Mexico Mask, Mexico City Picnic shelter horned lizard,
Yuma Arizona
Horned lizard squirting blood mural, downtown Las Vegas.
Created by ROA for the 2014 Life Is Beautiful Festival.
puck statue puck statue lizards vessel lizards vessel African lizard art
Puck, Harriet Hosmer, 1856, Smithsonian American Art Museum Central Caribbean tripod vesel with lizard effigies, AD 300 -800 Guápiles,
Límon Province, Costa Rica, National Museum of the American Indian
Abelam sacred painted bark panel for men's ceremonial house, Africa, American Museum of Natural History
  Australian lizard sculptures Tucson lizard art    
  Seven meter statue of woman and child with Perentie, Aileron Roadhouse,
 Northern Territory, Australia
Bridge lizard, Tucson, Arizona    
turtle jar Zuni turtles turtle basket Australian turtle painting turtle jar
Greater Coclé jar in the form of a turtle, AD 550-700 Venado Beach, Panamá Province, Panama, National Museum of the American Indian Turtles, Top: Andrew Quam 1985; Bottom: B. Livingston 1985, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Basket Plaque, Hopi, Evelie Pela, 1963, National Museum of the American Indian Australian aboriginal canvas painting Greater Coclé jar in the form of a turtle, AD 550-700 Río de Jesús, Veraguas Province, Panama, National Museum of the American Indian
turtle art turtle statue bronze tortoise turtle sculpture bronze tortoise
Conibo tortoise figurine, American Museum of Natural History Metal tortoise sculpture, Ricardo
Breceda, Borrego Valley, California
Brass tortoise figure, John Leh, Liberia, National Museum of African Art Metal tortoise, Gila Bend, AZ Bronze tortoise, Antoine-Louis Barye, French, c. 1820's, National Gallery of Art
African Mask turtle carving turtle rug turtle carving Pig on turtle
Carved mask with turtle Wooden turtle carving Turtle rug Wooden turtle carving Pig sitting on a turtle,
Smithsonian American Art Museum
turtle mask turtle mask Amazon turtle instrument turtle art Indian ad
Ndoli jowei mask with turtle on top, Sierra Leone,
mid 20th century, National Museum of African Art
Amazonian musical instrument made of turtle shell and beeswax. The spot covered with beeswax is stroked with the attached bamboo sticks. American Museum of Natural History National Zoo, Washington D.C. Advertisement painted on wall,
Udaipur, India
turtle statue turtle sculpture turtle carving Australian bark painting  
Philladelphia, PA National Zoo, Washington D.C. Turtle Figure, Sacatepequez Department, Guatemala, National Museum of the American Indian Australian aboriginal bark painting by junju, 1958, American Museum of Natural History  
Crocodile pottery African Mask man with crocodile carving rock art rock art
Greater Nicoya crocodile jar, AD 1000-1350 Filadelfia, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, National Museum of the American Indian Crocodile woodcarving Figure of man holding crocodile,
Sierra Leone, 15th century or earlier,
Brooklyn Museum
Alligator rock carving, Desert Tower, CA Crocodile Incensario, Nicoya, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, A. D. 750-1000, National Museum of the American Indian
croc snake carving crocodile art  crocodile sculpture    
Crocodile woodcarving Greater Coclé footed plate with crocodile design, AD 850-950 Río de Jesús, Veraguas Province, Panama, National Museum of the American Indian Statue, W. W. Seymour Botanical Conservatory, Tacoma , WA    
Toad Urn Toad Urn Toad Urn Toad Urn frog fountain
© Julia Galloway
The Arroyo Toads on this ceramic urn were inspired by pictures on this website. The urn was made by Julia Galloway, an artist with the University of Montana, as part of the Endangered Species Project, an installation of more than 1,100 urns illustrating all of the endangered, threatened, extinct, or recovered species in the continental United States. You can read more about the project on the Endangered Species Project website.
Toad fountain, Salzburg, Austria
© Guntram Deichsel
Moche Frog Bottle Ivory Coast snake Frog totem Frog totem Zuni Frog
Ceramic bottle in form of a frog, Moche style, Peru, American Museum of Natural History Gold pendant in the form of a
snake catching a frog,
19th century,Ivory Coast
Bronze toad, early 16th century,
Paduan, National Gallery of Art
Totem pole frog, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Frog, Bernie Yamutewa 1989, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
Frog totem Frog totem Frog totem Frog totem frog bowl
Bronze toad with baby toad, early 16th century, Paduan, National Gallery of Art Bronze toad, early 16th century,
Paduan, National Gallery of Art
A crab on a toad, early 16th century Paduan, National Gallery of Art Inkwell in the form of a frog, early 16th century, Paduan, National Gallery of Art Bas-relief
National Zoo, Washington D.C.
frog pipes mexican frog Austin Daniel Johnston Frog frog pendant frog pendant
Frog Pipes, Michoacan, Mexico, National Museum of the American Indian Ceramic Frog, Tlatilco, Mexico, National Museum of the American Indian Daniel Johnston frog mural, 2007,
Austin, Texas
Greater Chiriquí frog pendants, Panama or Costa Rica, after 500 AD,
National Museum of the American Indian
Zuni tadpole bowl frog bowl frog bowl toad carving Frog totem
Zuni bowl with pollywogs, Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Bowl, Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico, National Museum of the American Indian Frog Dish, Tlingit, Alaska, 1890-1920, National Museum of the American Indian Middle American stone frog, American Museum of Natural History Frog totem, UCB Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Egyptian frog amulet Egyptian Frog carving frog quilt frog statue frog statue
Frog figure,, Egyptian,
Brooklyn Museum
Frog figure, Egyptian, c. 3100-2675 B.C., Brooklyn Museum California Red-legged Frog Quilt inspired by one of my pictures by Lynda Flynn. Toad fountains, Wittelsbach Fountain, Adolf von Hildebrand 1895, Munich, Germany
Egyptian Frog carving Egyptian Frog carving Egyptian Frog carving tomb bas relief bas relief tomb
Frog figure, Egyptian, c. 3100-2675 B.C., Brooklyn Museum Frog figure, Egyptian, c. 3100-2675 B.C., Brooklyn Museum Frog figure, Egyptian, c. 3100-2675 B.C., Brooklyn Museum Tomb outside Frauenkirche, Munich, Germany
Toad Quilt        
Arroyo Toad Quilt inspired by one of my pictures by Karen Johnston. It's part of the quilt collection in the book "Inspired by Endangered Species - Animals and Plants in Fabric Perspectives" by Donna Marcinkowski DeSoto, 2020.        
salamander fountain salamander fountain Austin salamander guitar salamander exhibit salamander painting
Bubenbad Salamander Fountain, built in 1912, rehabilitated by
Lilli Kerzinger-Werth, 1966, Stuttgart, Germany
Salamander guitar, Austin, Texas Japanese Giant Salamander Display
National Zoo, Washington D.C.
Painting of a Larch Mountain Salamander inspired by one of my pictures © J.A. Holt

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