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Identifying California Frogs and Toads:
Frogs and Toads Most Often Seen in California

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California Frogs and Toads:

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Based on the requests I've received over the years asking me to identify a frog or a toad, the three most often seen frogs and toads found in the more populous areas of the state are those shown below

Most likely, the frog or toad you want to identify is one of these.
(Keep in mind that they all are variable in size and appearance.)

Click on the links to see more pictures and a description of the frog.

If the frog you want to identify does not match any of those shown below, you can try identifying if from some more detailed frog identification information found on this page.

California Toad

Adults are large - up to 5 inches from snout to vent.
Found in many habitats - on land, on trees and shrubs, and in water.

toad skin toad skin toad skin
Light stripe in middle of back Warty Skin Long glands behind eyes
california toad california toad california toad
california toad california toad california toad
california toad range map
California Toads are found in the red areas on the map.
Pacific Treefrog

The species has been separated into three species that all look the same, two of which are shown below.
Use the range map below to determine which one is in your area.

Adults of both species are small - 1 to 2 inches long from snout to vent.
Found in many habitats, on land and in water.

toes frog Sierran Treefrog
Enlarged toe tips Dark stripe through eye Babies are tiny
Baja California Treefrog
frog frog Baja California Treefrog
Color and pattern are variable
Sierran Treefrog
frog frog Sierran Treefrog
Color and pattern are variable

Orange: Sierran Treefrog
Red: Baja California Treefrog
Purple: Northern Pacific Treefrog

American Bullfrog

Adults are large - up to 8 inches long from snout to vent.
Found mostly in and around permanent water sources.

American Bullfrog toes American Bullfrog Tadpole
Large webbed toes on back feet Front toes do not have large pads Tadpoles are very large
American Bullfrog frog American Bullfrog
American Bullfrog frog American Bullfrog
American Bullfrog frog American Bullfrog Juvenile
Color and pattern are variable - females and juveniles have lots of dark markings
American Bullfrog California range map
American Bullfrogs are found in the red areas on the map.

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