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Snakes in Movies
Run for the Sun (1956)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This adventure movie turns into a jungle adventure at the end. And we know what that means - all jungle adventure movies must have a snake scene - that's the law - and this one plays by the rules.

Katie (Jane Greer) is a New York City magazine writer who travels to Mexico looking for Mike Latimer (Richard Widmark), an adventure novelist who is hiding from the world. She finds him in a coastal village, and they begin a romance, but she needs to return to the U.S. so he takes her in his small plane to an airport. But the compass malfunctions and they fly in the wrong direction. The plane runs out of fuel and they crash in the Mexican jungle where they are rescued by a group of German men. When they discover that their hosts are Nazi war criminals, they run away into the jungle, chased by the Nazis with guns and vicious dogs.

Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot
Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot

Sleeping on the ground in the jungle, Katie wakes up one morning to see a large lizard staring at her. She screams and the lizard hisses and runs away. Mike comforts her and they continue their journey.

Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot
Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot Run for the Sun screenshot

As Mike and Katie wade in a creek they are startled to see a snake wrapped around a branch above the creek. They move away from the snake and pass under the branch without freaking out. We see the snake on the branch as they continue to walk in the water.

That's it. Two reptile cameos with no unnecessary violence. Nothing to complain about.

I'm going to guess that the lizard is some species of spiny-tailed iguana, and the snake is a very dark Boa Constrictor. Both species are native to the Mexican tropics, so I can't complain about that either.

Run for the Sun screenshot

Snakes in Movies
Herps in Movies