At the beginning of this first film in the Harry Potter franchise, Harry goes to the Reptile House at the London Zoo with his Aunt and Uncle, his adopted parents, and his cousin. They look at a large Burmese Python (according to the sign.) It's a computer generated snake, not a real one, because they couldn't find a real one that could wink, nod, and talk, but it's a good fake and a memorable and unusually sympathetic character, considering that it's a large snake of the kind we usually see trying to kill somebody in movies. The family are bored because the snake isn't moving so they leave. Harry stays to appologize to the snake, which winks to him (pretty hard to do with no eyelids) and then nods its head yes when Harry asks if the snake can hear him. They chat about the fact that neither of them knew their parents until Harry's spoiled brat cousin runs up and leans on the glass, which suddenly disappears. (The background music tells us that Harry made it happen with magic.) The boy falls in to the snake cage and the snake crawls out, thanking Harry, this time vocally, before crawling out the door, making plenty of hissing sounds, as all movie snakes have to do - it's an unwritten movie law. The glass re-appears and the boy is stuck in the cage. When they get home the stepfather asks him what happened, Harry says it was like magic, the stepfather says there's no such thing as magic, then they make seven more Harry Potter movies and almost Eight Billion Dollars worldwide, proving to us that, yeah there is. |