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Snakes in Movies
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Snakes in Movies
Badland Hunters (2024) (Hwangya)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a Korean movie that IMDB shows as a disaster-dystopian-sci-fi-gun-fu-tragedy-action-adventure-crime-drama-mystery-sci-fi movie. That's all true, and they could also add zombies to the list. It's a sequel to the 2023 earthquake disaster movie "Concrete Utopia" which shows the earthquake and destruction of Seoul and its survivors. This one takes place in the ruins, with the survivors suffering from a shortage of food and water. It has scenes with several herps: a crocodile, a snake, and lizards and snakes used by a mad scientist to turn people into reptiles.

Crocodile Scenes

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We see Choi Ji-wan, a young hunter, shoot a large crocodile with an arrow, but this only makes it mad and it charges after him. He hides in a car, and the crocodile crashes through a window, but it can't get the thick part of its body far enough inside to grab the boy. Then Nam-san (Ma Dong-seok), the action hero of the movie who can single-handedly fight off hordes of armed men, grabs the crocodile's tail and drags it out of the car. The croc tries to fight back but Nam-san chops its head off with a giant machete. Later we see Nam-san and Choi Ji-wan at an outdoor market, chopping up pieces of crocodile meat and bartering for it with hungry customers.

Snake Scenes

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At the outdoor market where Nam-san is selling the crocodile meat, a woman the credits name "Jewelry Woman" (Jung Young-joo), who is strangely dressed in fur and jewelry and lipstick, tries to trade a box full of jewelry for some crocodile meat, but Nam-san tells her he can't eat jewelry. Feeling sorry for her, he says she can at least take a small dead snake and hands it to her. She asks if she should cook it and Choi Ji-wan tells her it's poisonous so she'd better cook it.

Later some gangsters raid the market, trying to kidnap people for a mad scientist's experiments. They try to grab Jung Young-joo as we see her holding the dead snake which is wrapped around her hand. After Nan-san fights off the gangsters she comes back to him, holding the snake up to her face, calling him "cutie pie" then pretending to put the snake up her nose, which is a strange way of flirting. Later when Choi Ji-wan tells Nan-san that he should marry the jewelry woman, Nan-san complains about her putting the snake in her nose. The scenes with the jewelry woman and the snake and the movie's hero is meant to be comic relief from all of the violence and gore in the movie.

Lizard Scene

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Doctor Yang Gi-su is a mad scientist illegally experimenting with making humans immortal by injecting them with a serum, which has led to the deaths of many teenagers. He explains what he is trying to do to a classroom full of students who have been operated on, telling them that because of the shortage of food and water he is working to create a new world where humans are going to be able to survive and live a good life with only a minuscule amount of food and drinking water. What he is really doing is turning people into reptiles. He started his research before the earthquake, so his aim of helping people is just a ruse. He's actually trying to reanimate his dead daughter whose body he keeps in a large glass container.

Just before the earthquake we see several escaped mutated lizards on the floor of Dr. Yang Gi-su's laboratory. One lizard has been cut in half with both halves still walking around. Another lizard crawls on the the dead body of a man in a white lab coat who has just been killed by the doctor.

After the catastrophe, the doctor has set up a new laboratory in a large apartment building that mostly survived the earthquake. He uses it as a base for his experiments and for the young people he kidnaps for his experiments. When one of the captive girls gets suspicious, she searches his lab to learn what he is really doing. She finds a page in a notebook titled "Reptilian Regeneration Experiment" with a picture of a lizard whose tail has been cut off. Apparently, he is using the ability of lizards to grow a new tail in his research to regenerate his dead daughter. Later we see the doctor next to a wall of jars full of preserved snakes, which he must be using in his experiments also.

Reptile Man

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The doctor's security guards are all taking injections to make them superhuman. We see one of them, Sergeant Kwon Ji-hoon (Park Ji-hoon) eating a live mouse as if he's a snake. Later when his face is cut in a fight, he peels off the skin and we see that he has a layer of scales and a yellow eye with transverse pupils, showing that he has become part reptile. In a fight scene we learn that the people experimented on by the doctor can't be killed in the typical ways. They're like movie zombies in that they will only die if their head is chopped off or their brains are destroyed.