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Snakes in Movies
Angel of Vengeance (War Cat) (1987)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Angel of Vengeance Screenshot Angel of Vengeance Screenshot Angel of Vengeance Screenshot
Angel of Vengeance Screenshot Angel of Vengeance Screenshot Angel of Vengeance Screenshot
Angel of Vengeance Screenshot Angel of Vengeance Screenshot Angel of Vengeance Screenshot
The video title of this was "War Cat" but the original title says it all. It's some vintage grade Z grindhouse vengeance action. A young woman named Tina is kidnapped by a maniac named Manny who's a member of a group of crazy pseudo-military survivalists preparing for the apocalypse at a desert compound. After they tie Tina to a bed and rape her, the leader, called the Major, plans to kill her but she talks him into letting her go and giving her a two hour start before they hunt her down, as a training exercise for his men. The men track her but it turns out she's a better soldier. You cheer her on as she kills them one by one, taking their weapons, setting booby traps, blowing up men with grenades and RPGs, shooting them with their own guns and arrows and cutting their throats with their own knives. Eventually she blows up the entire compound and captures the Major, the last man alive. She drags him to a snake pit full of rattlesnakes that was apparently made by the psycho Manny, and throws him in. Since he gave her a chance, she throws him a gun and one bullet. "Snake against snake," but the bullet lands right next to a rattlesnake so the Major is just standing wondering what to do when we last see him.

The snakes we see that I can make out are all western rattlesnakes, probably Southern Pacific Rattlesnakes, which are found in southern California where the film was probably made.