Amphibians In Movies
This is a list of some movies I've seen that had frogs or salamanders in them that I found interesting for some reason. It's rare that a frog or salamander is important to a plot. They are generally just used as background. Salamanders are almost as non-existent in movies as they are in life, which is fitting for such silent and secretive animals. Often they are mistaken for lizards.
Most of these are live-action feature films or TV movies, with some exceptions.
Links lead to pictures and information about the movies.
Spoiler Alert !
Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching a film.
Shortcut to Movie Title
("A", "An" and "The" at the start of the title can be ignored.)
A |
Apocalypto (2006)
An unarmed man chased by warriors improvises a blow gun using darts tipped with poison from a toad. |
![Apocalypto](/films/filmimages/xapocalyptoad4.jpg) |
April Fools (1969)
A man feels like an enchanted frog until a woman kisses him and tells him he's a Prince. When he sees a real frog in a city park he decides to run away with her. |
![April Fools](/films/filmimages/xaprilfoolsfrog6.jpg) |
B |
Bad Company (1972)
The leader of a band of desperado boys during the Civil War plays a prank on the new boy by putting a frog down his shirt.
![Amphibian](/films/filmimages/xbadcompany5.jpg) |
The Ballad of Narayama (1988)
Frogs are shown as part of the natural world. |
![Ballad of Narayama](/films/filmimages/xnarayamafrogs.jpg) |
The Big Parade (1925)
An American soldier in WWI tries to impress a French girl with a frog he caught. |
![The Big Parade](/films/filmimages/xbigparade3.jpg) |
Big Trouble (2002)
A large frog invades a Miami home where it squirts hallucinogenic chemicals into the face of anyone it thinks is trying to stop it from eating the dog's food. |
![Amphibian Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xbigtrouble8.jpg) |
C |
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Japanese schoolgirls exorcise a ghost, turning her into a frog. |
![Cabin in the Woods](/films/filmimages/xcabininthewoodsfrog6.jpg) |
California (1977)
Hungry recently-freed POWs comically catch a bunch of frogs then bring them home to cook and eat them. |
![Frogs Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xcalifornia9.jpg) |
Cannery Row (1982)
On an epic hunt a group of hobos capture a thousand frogs to sell, but end up bartering them for groceries. |
![Cannery Row](/films/filmimages/xcanneryrowfrogs8.jpg) |
Chandu the Magician (1932)
Chandu pays a slave trader with a bag full of coins that turn into toads when he pours them out. |
![Capricorn One](/films/filmimages/xchanduthemagiciantoads6.jpg) |
Cheaper By the Dozen (2003)
A family trying to catch an escaped pet frog ruins breakfast and trashes the kitchen.
![Cheaper By the Dozen](/films/filmimages/xcheaperbythedozenfrog7.jpg) |
Cléo from 5 to 7 (1962)
A man swallows several live frogs to entertain a crowd on a sidwalk in Paris. |
![Cleo From 5 to 7](/films/filmimages/xcleofrom5to73.jpg) |
Color Out of Space (2019)
A meteor crashes next to a well and starts to color plants and animals around the well an unusual magenta color, including a salamander that we see sitting on top of the well. |
![Color Out of Space Screenshot](/films/filmimages/xcoloroutofspace4.jpg) |
Cross Country Detours (1940)
We see a close-up of an animated frog "croaking." |
![Cross Country Detours](/films/filmimages/xcrosscountrydetoursfrog.jpg) |
D |
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
We see an African Clawed Frog in a strip club aquarium for no particular reason.
![Dallas Buyers Club](/films/filmimages/xdallasbuyersclub3.jpg) |
The Defiant Ones (1958)
Two escaped convicts find a bullfrog calling at night, kill it with sticks, and eat it for dinner. |
![The Defiant Ones](/films/filmimages/xdefiantones.jpg) |
E |
Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)
A pile of frogs sits with other raw foods ready to be killed and cooked. |
![Eat Drink Man Woman](/films/filmimages/xeatdrinkmanwoman.jpg) |
Ender's Game (2013)
Ender's team in battle school is called Salamander Army.
![Amphibian](/films/filmimages/xendersgamesalamanders2.jpg) |
E. T. the Extraterrestrial (1982)
Elementary school children set free all the frogs they are supposed to dissect. |
![E.T.](/films/filmimages/xetfrogs10.jpg) |
Exodus: Gods & Kings (2014)
A plague of frogs invades Egypt and the Pharaoh's bedroom. Then they all die, bringing on a plague of flies. |
![Exodus Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xexodusgodsandkingsfrogs9.jpg) |
F |
First Cow (2019)
A man foraging for food in the woods encounters an overturned newt, which he turns over and lets continue on its way. |
![First Cow](/films/filmimages/xfirstcow2.jpg) |
Foolish Wives (1922)
Bullfrogs are shown at a cabin in a swamp. |
![Foolish Wives](/films/filmimages/xfoolishwives.jpg) |
Frogs (1972)
Nature runs amok, with frogs and other animals killing the humans who are polluting their habitat. |
![Frogs](/films/filmimages/xfrogsfrogs5.jpg) |
Frozen II (2019)
A flaming purple fire salamander lives in an enchanted forest. |
![Amphibian](/films/filmimages/xfrozenII6.jpg) |
G |
Gold Diggers of 1935 (1935)
A frog croaks from the fountain in the lobby of a fancy resort hotel. |
![Gold Diggers of 1935](/films/filmimages/xgolddiggers19353.jpg) |
Golden Salamander (1950)
The Greek inscription on an ancient statue of a salamander inspires a man to do the right thing, even though the statue is really a depiction of a lizard. |
![The Golden Salamander](/films/filmimages/xgoldensalamander2.jpg) |
Gravity (2013)
A space capsule lands in a lake populated by large frogs. |
![Gravity](/films/filmimages/xgravity2.jpg) |
H |
Hanzo the Razor: Sword of Justice (1972) [Goyokiba]
A salamander is found in a bath house, so Hanzo impales it on a blade.
![Salamander Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xhanzotherazor7.jpg) |
Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages (1922)
Live snakes, frogs, and dried fingers are tossed into a witch's potion. |
![Haxan](/films/filmimages/xhaxan.jpg) |
The Hellbenders (The Cruel Ones) (1967)
A Confederate regiment called The Hellbenders uses Hellbender insignia and symbols. |
![The Hellbenders](/films/filmimages/xthehellbenders12.jpg) |
Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988)
Wrestler Roddy Piper is a post-apocalyptic government sex machine with an exploding chastity belt who fights chainsaw-wielding three-penised bipedal frog mutant militants. What more could you want! |
![Capricorn One](/films/filmimages/xhellcomestofrogtown5.jpg) |
The Holy Mountain (1973)
Cane Toad conquistadores fight horned lizards dressed as Aztecs in the Spanish conquest of Mexico. |
![The Holy Mountain](/films/filmimages/xholymountain9.jpg) |
House (1977)
A salamander walking on the floor in a haunted house is impaled by a crystal that falls from a chandelier. |
![House](/films/filmimages/xhouse9.jpg) |
I |
Impromptu (1991)
Children play a game where they are part of the French Revolution executing the royalty. They call a frog a "Viscount" then blow it up with explosives. |
![Impromptu](/films/filmimages/ximpromptu3.jpg) |
Invaders From Mars (1986)
A young boy fights aliens who make his teacher swallow frogs. |
![Invaders From Mars](/films/filmimages/xinvadersfrommars.jpg) |
The Isle (2000)
A woman kills a frog with a stick then rips it apart with her bare hands. |
![The Isle](/films/filmimages/xtheisle2.jpg) |
J |
Jules and Jim (1962)
Jules is a naturalist who keeps newts in a wash basin in his house in France. |
![Jules and Jim](/films/filmimages/xjulesandjimnewts.jpg) |
Jungle Run (2021)
An army of poisonous dart frogs threatens people in the jungle. |
![Amphibian](/films/filmimages/xjunglerunfrogs7.jpg) |
K |
L |
The Last Wave 1977
Frogs appear to have fallen out of the sky during a heavy rainstorm in Australia.
![The Last Wave](/films/filmimages/xthelastwave2.jpg) |
Leolo (1993)
Leolo keeps Eastern Newts in jars in the basement. |
![Leolo](/films/filmimages/xleolonewts2.jpg) |
M |
Magnolia (1999)
Frogs rain down from the sky and cars crash into each other. |
![Magnolia](/films/filmimages/xmagnolia5.jpg) |
Mandy (2018)
A man determined to revenge his murdered wife has a dream about her then wakes up to see a salamander on a rock.
![Mandy Screenshot](/films/filmimages/xmandy7.jpg) |
Monkey Business (1931)
Harpo finds a frog in a fountain on a passenger ship, trains it to hop up into his top hat, and then keeps it under his hat.
![Amphibian](/films/filmimages/xmonkeybusiness2.jpg) |
N |
The Naked Prey (1965)
A jungle adventure movie filmed in Africa with lots of herps, including some frogs. |
![The Naked Prey](/films/filmimages/xnakedpreyfrogs2.jpg) |
Night of the Hunter (1955) (IMDB)
A murdering con man and preacher is chasing two kids but they get away from him in a small rowboat. In deep focus we, a close-up of a large bullfrog sitting on a rock in the foreground and the kids floating in the boat which is moving to the right in the distance. We hear a bullfrog calling sound effect. We see other wildlife in the same way, a fox. a tortoise, and others. |
![Invaders From Mars](/films/filmimages/xnightofthehunter.jpg) |
Nymphomaniac: Vol. 1 (2014)
Two real frogs watch two young girls play "frogs" in a flooded bathroom.
![O Brother, Where Art Thou?](/films/filmimages2/xnymphomaniacfrogs.jpg) |
O |
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
Sirens turn Pete into a "toad" so Everett and Delmer put him in a box and take care of him. |
![O Brother, Where Art Thou?](/films/filmimages/xobrotherfrog.jpg) |
P |
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
A young girl immersed in a fantasy world hunts a giant toad in its underground lair. |
![Pan's Labyrinth](/films/filmimages/xpanslabyrinth2.jpg) |
Practical Magic (1998)
A witch becomes posessed by the spirit of the abusive boyfriend she helped murder. The other witches say he is squatting inside her like a toad that needs to be removed. Then we see lots of frogs fall out of her. |
![Amphibian Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xpracticalmagic10.jpg) |
Pretty Poison (1968)
A man sleeping in the woods is terrified when he wakes up and sees a newt on a branch above him.
![Pretty Poison Screenshot](/films/filmimages/xprettypoison8.jpg) |
Q |
R |
Rango (2011)
Rango is a pet Chameleon who gets lost in the desert where he encounters desert animals including some toads. |
![Rango](/films/filmimages/xrangotoad.jpg) |
The Return of the Frog (1938)
A criminal gang in London is called The Frogs. Its members receive their orders through a large frog radio, they sign their messages with a frog stamp, and they have frog tattoos. We even see a live frog in a man's hat after he jumps into a river. |
![Movie Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xreturnofthefrog.jpg) |
The Rum Diary (2011)
A hermaphrodite witchdoctor coughs out a toad when casting some spells. |
![Rum Diary](/films/filmimages/xrumdiaryfrog2.jpg) |
S |
The Salamander (1981)
The mysterious "Salamander" leaves a picture of a salamander with his victims. |
![The Salamander](/films/filmimages/xthesalamander.jpg) |
The Scent of Green Papaya (1993)
A servant girl sees several frogs around the house where she is employed. |
![The Scent of Green Papaya](/films/filmimages/xscentofgreenpapayafrogs4.jpg) |
Song of the South (1946)
Two boys play with a "bullfrog" (which is actually a toad) then they take it to a pond to release it.
The movie also contains some scenes with animated talking frogs. |
![Amphibian Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xsongofthesouth7.jpg) |
The Sound of Music (1965)
Bratty children try to scare away their new governess by putting a toad in her pocket. |
![The Sound of Music](/films/filmimages/xthesoundofmusic4.jpg) |
Spirited Away (2001)
A girl is bribed with a roasted newt to do something dangerous. |
![Amphibian](/films/filmimages/xspiritedaway4.jpg) |
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring (2003)
A boy tortures a frog and is himself tortured for the rest of his life. |
![Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring](/films/filmimages/xspringsummerfrog.jpg) |
T |
Tales of Terror (1962)
A drunk hallucinates a bunch of creatures blocking his cellar stairs including an Amphiuma. |
![Tales of Terror](/films/filmimages/xtalesofterror6b.jpg) |
The Tempest (2010)
The King's Jester Trinculo falls into a pond full of frogs that turn into a magical spirit named Ariel.
![Amphibian](/films/filmimages/xthetempestfrogs6.jpg) |
Three Outlaw Samurai (1964)
A starving Samurai is thrown into a jail cell full of water where he finds a frog and eats it alive. |
![Three Outaw Samurai](/films/filmimages/xthreeoutlawsamurai3.jpg) |
The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism (Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel) (1967)
A woman is tortured with spiders, scorpions, snakes, and - a newt? |
![Screenshot](/films/filmimages/xtorturechamberdrsadism27.jpg) |
The Tree of Life (2011)
Boys tie a toad to a fireworks rocket and light the fuse. |
![The Tree of Life](/films/filmimages/xtreeoflifetoad2.jpg) |
The Triplets of Belleville (2003)
An old French woman uses dynamite to catch frogs for dinner. |
![Triplets of Belleville](/films/filmimages/xtripletsofbelleville11.jpg) |
A Trip to the Moon ("Le voyage dans la lune") (1902)
A space capsule lands in an ocean populated by newts. |
![Trip to the Moon](/films/filmimages/xvoyagetothemoon.jpg) |
Tropical Malady (2004)
Two farmers find rocks that turn into treasure but the treasure turns into toads when they get greedy. |
![Tropical Malady](/films/filmimages/xtropicalmaladytoads.jpg) |
True Blood (TV Series 2008...)
A salamander underwater begins the opening credits montage. |
![True Blood](/films/filmimages/xtruebloodSalamander.jpg) |
U |
V |
Venomous (2001) (IMDB)
During the invasion of a small town by deadly mutant rattlesnakes (oh yeah, the snakes in movies lists are so much more fun than the frogs list) we see a female American Bullfrog and hear a Pacific Treefrog calling (or "croaking.") Then, spoiler alert, one of the mutant killer rattlesnakes gets it. |
![Venomous](/films/filmimages/xvenomousfrog.jpg) |
The Virgin Spring (1960)
A pregnant woman makes a toad sandwich and causes a tragedy. |
![The Virgin Spring](/films/filmimages/xvirginspringtoad4.jpg) |
W |
The Wicker Man (1973)
A pharmacist puts a small toad in a little girl's mouth to cure her sore throat. |
![The Wicker Man](/films/filmimages/xthewickerman3.jpg) |
Witch Hunt (1994)
A witch spits a salamander out of his mouth onto a Senator, who then spits out a huge frog and shows the his true evil character to the audience he is giving a speech to. |
![Screenshot](/films/filmimages2/xwitchhunt13.jpg) |
X |
Y |
You Only Live Once (1937)
A couple on their honeymoon watch frogs and discuss frog fidelity. |
![You Only Live Once](/films/filmimages/xyouonlyliveonce2.jpg) |
Z |
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