This is a List of all of the Different Types of Frogs and Toads
Shown on this Web Site from California and Elsewhere

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If there is more than one page for a species, there are additional links to the right of the scientific name.
This list is alphabetized by genus. Species are listed alphabetically under genus.

Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture.
Click on "sounds" if present to go to a page where you can listen to the sounds of a species of frog or toad.

Shortcuts to Genus
Scientific Name Common Name Original Description Picture Alternate Name Sounds
Order Anura Frogs Duméril, 1806 (as Anoures)    
Acris   Cricket Frogs Duméril and Bibron, 1841      
Acris blanchardi Blanchard's Cricket Frog Harper, 1947 frog formerly A. crepitans Sounds
Acris crepitans Eastern Cricket Frog Baird, 1854   Sounds Only
Acris gryllus Southern Cricket Frog (LeConte, 1825) d   Sounds
Adelotus Tusked Frogs Ogilby, 1907      
Adelotus brevis Tusked Frog (Gunther, 1863) tusked frog    
Anaxyrus North American Toads Tschudi, 1845   Bufo  
Anaxyrus americanus American Toad (Holbrook, 1836)      
  Anaxyrus americanus americanus Eastern American Toad (Holbrook, 1836) x Bufo americanus americanus Sounds
Anaxyrus boreas Western Toad (Baird and Girard, 1852)      
   Anaxyrus boreas boreas (CA) + (NW) + (Nevada) Boreal Toad (Baird and Girard, 1852) boreal toad
boreal toad
Bufo boreas boreas

In Nevada:
Hot Creek Toad -  Bufo (Anaxyrus) monfontanus

Railroad Valley Toad -
Bufo (Anaxyrus) nevadensis
  Anaxyrus boreas halophilus (CA) + (BC) California Toad (Baird and Girard, 1853 california toad Bufo boreas halophilus - California Toad Sounds
Anaxyrus californicus (CA) + (BC) Arroyo Toad (Camp, 1915) arroyo toad Bufo californicus Sounds
Anaxyrus canorus Yosemite Toad (Camp, 1916) Yosemite Toad
Yosemite Toad
Bufo canorus Sounds
Anaxyrus cognatus (CA) + (SW) Great Plains Toad (Say, 1823) Great Plains Toad Bufo cognatus Sounds
Anaxyrus debilis Green Toad (Girard, 1854)      
  Anaxyrus debilis insidior Western Chihuahuan Green Toad (Girard, 1854) western green toad

Bufo debilis insidior

Western Green Toad

Anaxyrus exsul Black Toad (Myers, 1942) Black Toad Bufo exsul Sounds
Anaxyrus fowleri Fowler's Toad Hinckley (1882) Eastern American Toad    
Anaxyrus hemiophrys Canadian Toad (Cope, 1886) Bufo hemiophrys Sounds
Anaxyrus houstonensis Houston Toad (Sanders, 1953) c Bufo houstonensis Sounds
Anaxyrus microscaphus (CA) + (SW) Arizona Toad (Cope, 1866) Arizona Toad
Bufo microscaphus Sounds
Anaxyrus nelsoni Amargosa Toad (Stejneger, 1893) amargosa toad Bufo nelsoni Sounds
Anaxyrus punctatus (CA) +  (SW) + (BC) + (TX) Red-spotted Toad (Baird and Girard, 1852) Red-spotted Toad
Red-spotted Toad
Bufo punctatus Sounds
Anaxyrus quercicus Oak Toad Holbrook (1840) Eastern American Toad Bufo quercicus  
Anaxyrus retiformis Sonoran Green Toad (Sanders and Smith, 1951) sonoran green toad Bufo retiformis Sounds
Anaxyrus speciosus Texas Toad (Girard, 1854) c Bufo speciosus Sounds
Anaxyrus terrestris Southern Toad (Bonnaterre, 1789) southern toad
southern toad
Bufo terrestris  
Anaxyrus williamsi Dixie Valley Toad Gordon, Simandle & Tracy,s 2017 Amargosa Toad Bufo williamsi  
Anaxyrus woodhousii Woodhouse's Toad (Girard, 1854)      
  Anaxyrus woodhousii australis Southwestern Woodhouse's Toad (Shannon and Lowe, 1955) southwestern woodhouse's toad Bufo woodhousii australis  
(Hybrids of A. woodhousii x A. fowleri)
(Formerly  Anaxyrus woodhousii velatus)
East Texas Toad   east texas toad    
  Anaxyrus woodhousii woodhousii (CA) (NW) Rocky Mountain Toad (Girard, 1854) Rocky mountain toad
Bufo woodhousii woodhousii Sounds
Ascaphus Tailed Frogs Stejneger, 1899      
Ascaphus montanus Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog Mittleman and Myers, 1949 rocky mountain tailed frog    
Ascaphus truei (CA) + (NW) Coastal Tailed Frog Stejneger, 1899 Coastal Tailed Frog    
Cophixalus Rainforest Frogs Boettger, 1892 Nursery Frogs    
Cophixalus ornatus Northern Ornate Nursery Frog (Fry, 1912) cophixalus Ornate Nursery Frog  
Crinia (Australian Ground Frogs
with separated toes)
Tschudi, 1838      
Crinia parinsignifera Beeping Froglet Main, 1957 cophixalus Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet  
Cyclorana (Water-holding Frogs) Steindachner, 1867      
Cyclorana alboguttata Green-striped Frog (Gunther, 1867) green striped frog Striped Burrowing Frog  
Cyclorana novaehollandiae Eastern Snapping Frog Steindachner, 1867 eastern snapping frog
New Holland Frog
Giant Water-holding Frog
New Holland Water-holding Frog
Wide-mouthed Frog
Cyclorana platycephala Water-holding Frog (Gunther, 1873) water holding frog    
Cyclorana verrucosa Rough Collared Frog Tyler & Martin, 1977 frog Rough Frog  
Duttaphrynus   Frost et al., 2006      
Duttaphrynus (Bufo) melanostictus Common Indian Toad   d    
Eleutherodactylus Rain Frogs Duméril and Bibron, 1841      
Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides Rio Grande Chirping Frog (Cope, 1877)      
  Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides campi Rio Grande Chirping Frog Stejneger, 1915 rio grande chirping frog Syrrophus campi Sounds
Eleutherodactylus marnockii Cliff Chirping Frog (Cope, 1878) cliff chirping frog Syrrhophus marnockii Sounds
Fejervarya   Bolkay, 1915      
Fejervarya syhadrensis Long-legged Cricket Frog
  d Southern Cricket Frog
Indian Cricket Frog
Syhadra Frog
Gastrophryne North American Narrow-mouthed Toads Fitzinger, 1843      
Gastrophryne carolinensis Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad (Holbrook, 1836) eastern narrow-mouthed toad    
Gastrophryne mazatlanensis Sinaloan Narrow-mouthed Toad Hallowell, 1856 great plains narrow-mouthed toad
Gastrophryne olivacea Great Plains Narrow-mouthed Toad (Hallowell, 1857 “1856”) Great Plains Narrow-mouthed Toad    
Hyla Holarctic Treefrogs Laurenti, 1768      
Hyla arenicolor Canyon Treefrog Cope, 1866 canyon treefrog
canyon treefrog
Hyla chrysoscelis Cope's Gray Treefrog Cope 1880 Gray Treefrog   Sounds
Hyla cinerea (TX) + (MISC)
Green Treefrog Schneider, 1799 green treefrog
(Dryophytes cinereus) Sounds
Hyla squirella (TX) + (MISC) Squirrel Treefrog Bosc, 1800 hs
Hyla versicolor Gray Treefrog LeConte, 1825 / Cope, 1880 gray treefrog   Sounds
Hyla wrightorum Arizona Treefrog Taylor, 1939 “1938” arizona treefrog   Sounds
Hylarana Wood Frogs (Steindachner, 1868)      
Hylarana daemeli Wood Frog (Steindachner, 1868) wood frog Rana daemeli -
Wood Frog
Hypopachus Sheep Frogs Keferstein, 1867      
Hypopachus variolosus Sheep Frog (Cope, 1866) d   Sounds
Incilius Central American Toads Cope, 1875      
Incilius alvarius Sonoran Desert Toad (Girard, 1859) sonoran desert toad Bufo alvarius Sounds
Incilius nebulifer Gulf Coast Toad (Girard, 1854) d
Bufo nebulifer Sounds
Limnodynastes Australian Swamp Frogs Fitzinger, 1843      
Limnodynastes peronii Striped Marsh Frog (Dumeril & Bibron, 1841) frog Brown-striped Frog  
Lithobates American Water Frogs Fitzinger, 1843      
Lithobates berlandieri (CA) + (TX) Rio Grande Leopard Frog (Baird, 1854) Rio Grande Leopard Frog Rana berlandieri Sounds
Lithobates capito Gopher Frog Frost, 2006
Eastern American Toad Florida Gopher Frog -
Lithobates capito aesopus
Lithobates catesbeianus
(CA) + (NW) + (TX) + (BC) + (SW) + (MISC)
American Bullfrog (Shaw, 1802) American Bullfrog
American Bullfrog

Rana catesbeiana Sounds
Lithobates chiricahuensis Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Platz and Mecham, 1979) Chiricahua leopard frog Rana fisheri Sounds
Lithobates clamitans (TX) + (MISC)
+ (NW)
Green Frog (Latreille, 1801) Green Frog
Northern Green Frog -
Rana clamitans melanota

(Rafinesque, 1820)
Bronze Frog -
Rana clamitans clamitans
(Latreille, 1801)
Lithobates grylio Pig Frog (Stejneger, 1901) pig frog Rana grylio Sounds
LIthobates onca Relict Leopard Frog (Cope, 1875) relict leopard frog Rana onca Sounds
Lithobates palustris Pickerel Frog (LeConte, 1825) pickerel frog Rana palustris  
Lithobates pipiens (CA) Northern Leopard Frog (Schreber, 1782) Northern Leopard Frog
Northern Leopard Frog
Rana pipiens Sounds
Lithobates sphenocephalus (CA)
(TX) (Misc)
Southern Leopard Frog (Cope, 1886)

southern leopard frog

Rana sphenocephala Sounds
Lithobates sylvaticus Wood Frog Leconte (1825) Eastern American Toad    
Lithobates tarahumarae Tarahumara Frog (Boulenger, 1917) American Bullfrog Rana tarahumarae  
Lithobates yavapaiensis  (CA) + (SW) Lowland Leopard Frog (Platz and Frost, 1984) Lowland Leopard Frog Rana yavapaiensis Sounds
Litoria Australasian Treefrogs Tschudi, 1838      
Litoria caerulea Green Tree Frog (White, 1790) frog White's Tree Frog
Dumpy Tree Frog
Australian Green Tree Frog
Litoria chloris Southern Orange-eyed Tree Frog (Boulenger, 1893) frog Red-eyed Tree Frog  
Litoria dahlii Dahl's Aquatic Frog (Boulenger, 1896) frog    
Litoria fallax Eastern Sedge Frog (Peters, 1880) frog Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog  
Litoria gilleni Centralian Tree Frog (Spencer, 1896) frog    
Litoria gracilenta Graceful Tree Frog (Peters, 1869) frog Dainty Tree Frog  
Litoria inermis Bumpy Rocket Frog (Peters, 1867) frog Floodplain Frog  
Litoria jungguy Northern Stony-creek Frog Donnellan & Mahony, 2004 frog    
Litoria latopalmata Broad-palmed Rocket Frog Gunther, 1867 frog Broad-palmed Frog  
Litoria myola Kuranda Tree Frog Hoskin 2007 frog    
Litoria nannotis Waterfall Frog (Andersson, 1916) frog Torrent Tree Frog  
Litoria nasuta Striped Rocket Frog (Gray, 1842) frog Rocket Frog  
Litoria nigrofrenata Tawny Rocket Frog (Gunther, 1867) frog Bridled Frog  
Litoria pearsoniana Cascade Tree Frog (Copland, 1961) frog Pearson's Tree Frog  
Litoria peronii Emerald-spotted Tree Frog (Tschudi, 1838) frog Peron's Tree Frog  
Litoria rheocola Common Mist Frog Liem, 1974 frog Creek Frog  
Litoria rothii Northern Laughing Tree Frog (De Vis, 1884) frog Roth's Tree Frog  
Litoria rubella Desert Tree Frog (Gray, 1842) frog    
Litoria serrata Green-eyed Tree Frog (Andersson, 1916) frog    
Litoria tyleri Laughing Tree Frog (Martin, Watson, Gartside, Littlejohn & Loftus-Hills, 1979) frog    
Litoria wilcoxi Eastern Stony Creek Frog (Gunther, 1864) frog Stony Creek Frog  
Mixophyes Barred Frogs Günther, 1864      
Mixophyes coggeri Mottled Barred Frog Mahony, Donnellan, Richards & McDonald, 2006 frog    
Mixophyes fasciolatus Great Barred Frog Gunther, 1864 frog    
Mixophyes schevilli Northern Barred Frog Loveridge, 1933


Nyctimystes Big-Eyed Tree Frogs Stejneger, 1916      
Nyctimystes dayi Australian Lace-lid (Gunther, 1897)


Litoria dayi
Day’s Frog
Lace-eyed Tree Frog
Day's Big-eyed Tree Frog
Osteopilus West Indian Treefrogs Fitzinger, 1843      
Osteopilus septentrionalis Cuban Treefrog (Duméril and Bibron, 1841) cuban treefrog
cuban treefrog
Platyplectrum Australian Burrowing Frogs Günther, 1863      
Platyplectrum ornatum


Ornate Burrowing-Frog (Gray, 1842) frog Opisthodon ornatus -
Ornate Burrowing Frog
Platyplectrum spenceri Centralian Burrowing-Frog (Parker, 1940) frog Opisthodon spenceri - Spencer's Burrowing Frog  
Polypedates Whipping Frogs Tschudi, 1838      
Polypedates (Rhacophorus) maculatus Common Tree Frog   common tree frog    
Pseudacris Chorus Frogs Fitzinger, 1843      
Pseudacris cadaverina (CA) + (BC) California Treefrog (or Chorus Frog) (Cope, 1866) California Treefrog California Chorus Frog

Hyla cadaverina
Pseudacris clarkii Spotted Chorus Frog (Baird, 1854) upland chorus frog   Sounds
Pseudacris crucifer Spring Peeper (Wied-Neuwied, 1838) I have no photo page for this frog, only sounds.   Sounds
Pseudacris hypochondriaca (CA) + (BC)
Baja California Treefrog (Hallowell, 1854) Baja California Treefrog
Baja California Treefrog
 Pseudacris regilla (or Hyla regilla) -
lPacific Treefrog or Pacific Chorus Frog
Pseudacris maculata (SW) + (MISC) Boreal Chorus Frog (Agassiz, 1850) western chorus frog Pseudacris triseriata - Western Chorus Frog Sounds
Pseudacris regilla (CA) + (NW) Pacific Treefrog (Baird and Girard, 1852) Northern Pacific Treefrog
Northern Pacific Treefrog
 Pseudacris regilla
Hyla regilla
Northern Pacific Treefrog
Pacific Chorus Frog
Pseudacris sierra
Sierran Treefrog (Jameson, Mackey, and Richmond, 1966) Sierran Treefrog
Sierran Treefrog
 Pseudacris regilla (or Hyla regilla) -
Pacific Treefrog or Pacific Chorus Frog
Pseudacris streckeri Strecker's Chorus Frog Wright and Wright, 1933 strecker's chorus frog   Sounds
Pseudophryne Toadlets (Ground Frogs) Fitzinger, 1843      
Pseudophryne raveni Copper-backed Broodfrog Ingram & Corben, 1994 frog Copper-backed Brood Frog  
Rana Brown Frogs Linnaeus, 1758      
Rana aurora (CA) + (NW) Northern Red-legged Frog Baird and Girard, 1852 Northern Red-legged Frog   Sounds
Rana boylii (CA) + (NW) Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Baird, 1854 foothill yellow-legged frog
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
foothill yellow-legged frog
Rana cascadae (CA) + (NW) Cascades Frog Slater, 1939 Cascades Frog
cascades frog
Rana draytonii (CA) + (BC) California Red-legged Frog Baird and Girard, 1852 California Red-legged Frog
California Red-legged Frog
Rana luteiventris (CA) + (NW) Columbia Spotted Frog Thompson, 1913 columbia spotted frog   Sounds
Rana muscosa Southern Mountain Yellow-legged Frog Camp, 1917 Southern Mountain Yellow-legged Frog    
Rana pretiosa (CA) + (NW) Oregon Spotted Frog Baird and Girard Oregon Spotted Frog
Rana sierrae Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog Camp, 1917 Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog Formerly Rana muscosa -
Mountain Yellow-legged Frog
Rhinella South American Toads Fitzinger, 1826      
Rhinella marina (TX) + (AU) Cane Toad   cane toad Bufo marinus - Marine Toad  
Scaphiopus North American Spadefoots Holbrook, 1836      
Scaphiopus couchii (CA) + (TX) + (BC) Couch's Spadefoot Baird, 1854 Scaphiopus couchii Couch's Spadefoot

Scaphiopus couchii Couch's Spadefoot
Scaphiopus hurterii Hurter's Spadefoot Strecker, 1910 hurter's spadefoot    
Smilisca Mexican Treefrogs Cope, 1865      
Smilisca baudinii Mexican Treefrog (Duméril and Bibron, 1841) mexican treefrog   Sounds
Smilisca fodiens Lowland Burrowing Treefrog (Boulenger, 1882) lowland burrowing treefrog formerly Pternohyla fodiens -
Northern Casque-headed Frog
Spea Western Spadefoots Cope, 1866      
Spea bombifrons (TX) + (SW) Plains Spadefoot (Cope, 1863) plains spadefoot
plains spadefoot
Spea hammondii (CA) + (BC) Western Spadefoot (Baird, 1859 “1857”) Western Spadefoot
Western Spadefoot
Spea intermontana (CA) + (NW) Great Basin Spadefoot (Cope, 1883) Great Basin Spadefoot   Sounds
Spea multiplicata Mexican Spadefoot (Cope, 1863)      
  Spea multiplicata stagnalis Chihuahuan Desert Spadefoot (Cope, 1875) chihuahuan desert spadefoot New Mexico Spadefoot Sounds
Uperoleia Toadlets Gray, 1841      
Uperoleia fusca Dusky Toadlet Davies, McDonald & Corben, 1986 frog    
Xenopus Clawed Frogs Wagler, 1827      
Xenopus laevis African Clawed Frog (Daudin, 1802) African Clawed Frog   Sounds
If a frog is listed more than once, one of the symbols below will be added to indicate which region the listing covers.

AU = Australia page
CA = California page
BC = Baja California page
NW = Northwest page
TX = Texas page
SW = Southwest Page
MISC = Any areas not listed above


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