Pacific Northwest
Reptiles & Amphibians

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Columbia Spotted Frog - Rana luteiventris

Thompson, 1913
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More sounds of
Rana luteiventris

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Eggs and Breeding

Related or Similar Northwest Frogs:

Northern Red-legged Frog
Cascades Frog
American Bullfrog
Northern Leopard Frog
Oregon Spotted Frog

observation link

Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
  Adult, Yakima County, Washington  
Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington Adult, Kittitas County, Washington
Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington Adult, Kittitas County, Washington Underside of adult,
Kittitas County, Washington
Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington Juvenile, Yakima County, Washington Underside of adult,
Yakima County, Washington
Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
Adult, Park County, Wyoming Underside of adult,
Park County, Wyoming
Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
Adult, Park County, Wyoming Adult, Bonner County, Idaho Adult, Bonner County, Idaho
Columbia Spotted Frog habitat Columbia Spotted Frog habitat Columbia Spotted Frog habitat
Habitat, 5,400 ft.,
Bonner County, Idaho
Habitat, 7,800 ft.,
Park County, Wyoming
Habitat, 7,500 ft.,
Park County, Wyoming
Columbia Spotted Frog habitat Columbia Spotted Frog habitat Columbia Spotted Frog habitat
Habitat, 2000 ft.,
Yakima County, Washington
Habitat, 4,900 ft., Skagit County, Washington
  Columbia Spotted Frog habitat  
  Habitat, Kittitas County, Washington  
Click here to see more pictures of frogs, eggs, and breeding habitat.
Short Videos
Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
Views of Columbia Spotted Frogs during the breeding season, including lots of breeding males sitting in the pond, huge egg masses, and a quick look at the breeding habitat. No sound. Male Columbia Spotted Frogs in a breeding pond in call underwater and chase each other around an amplexing pair. Several male Columbia Spotted Frogs in a breeding pond call in the air while floating on the water, followed by a male diving, calling underwater, then surfacing.
Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog Columbia Spotted Frog
A male Columbia Spotted Frog in a breeding pond calls in the air. When he is joined by three other frogs, he calls underwater, chases one and grabs on. We hear release calls made underwater, then he lets go and surfaces.

A male Columbia Spotted Frog in a breeding pond calls in the air while floating on the water, then dives and calls underwater. A male Columbia Spotted Frog in a breeding pond calls above and below the water as he chases another frog.
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