Southwest Reptiles and Amphibians

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Arizona Toad - Anaxyrus microscaphus

(Cope, 1866)

(= Bufo microscaphus)
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Arizona Toad Arizona Toad Arizona Toad
Adult, Washington County, Utah Adult, Washington County, Utah
Arizona Toad Arizona Toad Arizona Toad
Adult, Washington County, Utah Adult, Washington County, Utah Adult, Washington County, Utah
Arizona Toad Arizona Toad Arizona Toad
Adult, Washington County, Utah Underside of adult
Arizona Toad Arizona Toad Arizona Toad
Adult, Yavapai County, Arizona Adult, Arizona,
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Arizona Toad habitat Arizona Toad habitat Arizona Toad habitat
Habitat, Washington County, Utah
Habitat, Washington County, Utah Habitat, Washington County, Utah
Short Videos
Arizona Toad Arizona Toad Arizona Toad
Several male Arizona Toads calling and interacting at night at the edge of a small creek next to a river in Washington County, Utah, including two examples of a male attempting amplexus with another male who then makes release calls. Canyon Treefrogs can be heard in the background.
A short example of a male calling at night. Several Arizona Toads seen hanging around the edge of a small creek in Washington County, Utah. Most are males who stopped calling once I stuck a camera and bright lights in their faces. They usually resumed calling once I left.

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