Male at Night in Calling Position
Advertisement Calls
An advertisement call is the most well-known call of a frog. It is produced by a male during the breeding season to attract females of his own species. It can also serve an agressive function to defend his calling site by warning rival males of his presence. Frogs usually make the calls around bodies of water that are suitable for breeding and egg laying. These calls can be heard during the evening and at night.
The following sounds were recorded
in Miller Canyon in the Huachuca Mountains, courtesy of the Beattys, who have worked to re-establish leopard frogs to ponds on their property. These frogs were formerly recognized as Rana subaquavocalis - Ramsey Canyon Leopard Frog.
This is a 12 second recording of the advertisement calls of a male Chiricahua Leopard Frog made at night in Cochise County, Arizona (seen on the right during daylight.)
This is a 1 minute 43 second recording of the advertisement calls of a large group of male Chiricahua Leopard Frog made at night in Cochise County, Arizona. (seen on the right during daylight.) |
You can listen to more recordings of Chiricahua Leopard Frogs on this cd:
Carlos Davidson - Frog and Toad Calls of the Pacific Coast

and on the cd that comes with this book:
Lang Elliott, Carl Gerhardt, and Carlos Davidson - The Frogs and Toads of North America - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
