Adult, Pacific County, Washington |
Adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Juvenile, Cascade Mountains, 900 ft., Lewis County, Washington |
Sub-adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Sub-adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Sub-adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Sub-adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Juvenile, Multnomah County, Oregon
Sub-adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Sub-adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Juvenile, Olympic Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington |
Sub-adult, Linn County, Oregon |
Comparison of Rana aurora - Northern Red-legged Frog with similar sympatric
Rana boylii - Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
Left: Adult Rana aurora - Northern Red-legged Frog
Right: Adult Rana boylii - Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
Both frogs were found near each other in the same river in Linn County, Oregon.
Top: Rana boylii
Bottom: Rana aurora |
Breeding, Eggs, and Young |
Adult male and female in amplexus, Humboldt County © Maureen Krinsky |
Breeding adult male, Humboldt County. Left: throat with very reduced vocal sacs. Right: the same frog calling underwater while resting on the bottom of an artificial pond about 12 inches below the surface. |
Egg mass |

Tadpole eyes are set in from the margin of the head. Compare with P. regilla |
Mature Tadpole |
Transforming tadpole |
Tiny metamorph, fewer than
two weeks out of the water. |
You can see more pictures of Northern Red-legged Frog eggs, tadpoles and juveniles Here.
Habitat |
Breeding habitat with eggs, early February, Lewis County, Washington |
Habitat, Pacific County, Washington |
Habitat, Multnomah County, Oregon
Habitat, Pacific County, Washington |
Habitat, with egg mass,
King County, Washington |
Breeding pond,
Pacific County, Washington |
Egg deposition area,
Pacific County, Washington
Habitat, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Habitat, Linn County, Oregon |
Short Videos |
A Northern Red-legged Frog on a late summer day, Multnomah County, Oregon. |
Northern Red-legged Frog breeding habitat with eggs in Lewis County, Washington.
More Northern Red-legged Frog breeding habitat with eggs in Lewis County, Washington. |