Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Adult, Pacific County, Washington |
Adult, Snohomish County, Washington |
Juvenile, 6,000 ft.,
Deschutes County, Oregon
3 color-phases of adults in breeding pond, Lewis County, Washington |
Adult male calling,
Kittitas County, Washington |
Adult, King County, Washington
© Crazy About Nature |
Adult, King County, Washington
© Crazy About Natiure |
Adult, King County, Washington
© Crazy About Natiure |
Adult, King County, Washington
© Crazy About Natiure |
Eggs, Lewis County, Washington |
Eggs, Lewis County, Washington |
Tadpole |
Comparison of young sympatric aquatic amphibian larvae:
Pacific Treefrog Tadpole (bottom)
Long-toed Salamander larvae (top) |
Go here to see more pictures of Pacific Treefrog Tadpoles
Habitat |
Habitat, Pierce County, Washington |
Breeding pond 6000 ft., Deschutes County, Oregon |
Habitat, Pacific County, Washington |
Habitat, 2000 ft., Yakima County, Washington |
Short Videos |
A male Northern Pacific Treefrog calls while floating on a pond in the Cascades Mountains of Washington on a sunny Summer day. This is the two-part advertisement call.
A male Sierran Treefrog makes the one-part or enhanced call from the edge of a small temporary snow-melt pond at 8,600 feet elevation in Alpine County. This species is identical in sound and appearance to the Northern Pacific Treefrog. |
A male Northern Pacific Treefrog on a pond in the Cascades Mountains of Washington responds to the frog-like sounds made by a human. When the human sounds are similar to the territorial call, the frog reponds likewise. |