A Guide to California's
Reptiles and Amphibians

Sounds of
Lowland Burrowing Treefrog - Smilisca fodiens

(Boulenger, 1882)

(= Pternohyla fodiens)
Click the speaker icon to listen to an mp3 sound file.

More pictures of this frog can be seen here.

Advertisement Calls

An advertisement call is the most well-known call of a frog. It is produced by a male frog in order to attract females during the breeding season and to warn other rival males of his presence. Frogs usually make the calls around bodies of water that are suitable for breeding and egg laying. These calls can be heard during the evening and at night, and sometimes during daylight at the peak of the breeding season.

The advertisement call of the Lowland Burrowing Treefrog is a loud, low-pitched, metallic honk or quack, with no rising inflection, repeated two to three times per second.

Lowland Burrowing Treefrog Lowland Burrowing Treefrog
Calling Male Calling Male
Sound  This is a One second recording of the advertisement calls of a male frog calling at night in Pima County, Arizona (seen to the right.)

Lowland Burrowing Treefrog habitata
Sound  This is a 15 second recording of the advertisement calls of two male frogs calling at night in Pima County, Arizona, (seen to the right) with insect sounds in the background.

Sound  This is a 25 second recording of the advertisement calls of a group of distant male frogs calling at night in Pima County, Arizona, (seen to the right) with insect sounds in the background.

Short Videos
Lowland Burrowing Treefrog Lowland Burrowing Treefrog
Two males call at night while sitting on wet grass at the edge of a shallow rain pool in Pima County, Arizona.

Males at night, calling and waiting from dry land next to a breeding pool in Pima County, Arizona. Couch's Spadefoots can be heard calling in the background.


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