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Comparisons of the Tadpoles of California Frogs and Toads

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These are pictures comparing some of the tadpoles of frogs and toads found in California.

Sierran Treefrog Tadpole california toad tadpoles  
Comparison of Treefrog Tadpole (Pseudacris regilla group) (Top)
with Western Toad Tadpole
(Anaxyrus boreas) (Bottom)
(Click on picture for a better view)
Immature California Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris cadaverina) (Top)
Mature California Toad tadpole (Bottom)
Ventura County © Brian Hubbs
Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole rana boylii tadpole Cascades Frog Tadpoles
CA Red-legged Frog tadpole
Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris)
CA Red-legged Frog tadpole
Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris)
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog tadpole (Top)
Treefrog Tadpole (Pseudacris)
Cascade Frog tadpole - (Left)
Eyes are on top of the head.

Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris) (Right)
Eyes are on the sides of the head.
The eyes of Treefrog tadpoles (Pseudacris) extend to the margins of the head when seen from above, while the eyes of tapoles of the sympatric California Red-legged Frog are inset from the margins of the head, as you can see in the above photos from  Alameda County. © Joseph E. DiDonato.
Seen from above, the eyes of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog are located away from the side of the head and the eyes of a treefrog tadpole, Pseudacris regilla, are located at the edge of the head. Seen from above, the eyes of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog are located away from the side of the head and the eyes of a treefrog tadpole, Pseudacris regilla, are located at the edge of the head.
Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole red-legged frog tadoles    
Viewed from above, the eyes of a Pacific Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris regilla) extend to the outline of the head, as you can see in the picture on the left.

The eyes of the tadpoles of sympatric Rana aurora - Northern Red-legged Frog are inset from the margins of the head, as you can see in the picture on the right.

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