A Guide to the Amphibians
and Reptiles of California

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Eggs, Tadpoles, and Metamorphs of
Pacific Treefrog - Pseudacris regilla

(Baird and Girard, 1852)

(= Pacific Chorus Frog, = Pacific Treefrog. See Alternate Names)
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Northern Pacific Treefrog eggs Northern Pacific Treefrog eggs    
Eggs, Lewis County, Washington Eggs, Lewis County, Washington    
Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole
Young tadpole Young tadpole Young tadpole Young tadpole
Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole
Mature tadpole, front legs about to emerge, eye stripe visible Mature tadpole, with rear legs developing Mature tadpole with four legs, and body pattern developing
Comparisons With Larvae and Tadpoles of Sympatric Species
Northern Pacific Treefrog Tadpole red-legged frog tadoles tadpole salamander larva comparison tadpole salamander larva comparison
Viewed from above, the eyes of a Pacific Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris regilla) extend to the outline of the head, as you can see in the picture on the left.

The eyes of the tadpoles of sympatric Rana aurora - Northern Red-legged Frog are inset from the margins of the head, as you can see in the picture on the right.
Comparison of young sympatric aquatic amphibian larvae:
Treefrog Tadpole (Pseudacris) (Bottom)
Long-toed Salamander larvae (Ambystoma macrodactylum) (Top)
rana boylii tadpole Cascades Frog Tadpoles Sierran Treefrog Tadpole  
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog tadpole (Top)
Treefrog Tadpole (Pseudacris)

Seen from above, the eyes of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog are located away from the side of the head and the eyes of a treefrog tadpole, Pseudacris regilla, are located at the edge of the head.

Cascade Frog tadpole
Eyes are on top of the head.

Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris)
Eyes are on the sides of the head.

Comparison of Treefrog Tadpole (Pseudacris regilla group)
with Toad Tadpole (Anaxyrus boreas)

The following series of pictures shows a Pacific Treefrog tadpole in full metamorphosis -
it leaves the water to breathe air and live on land, gradually losing its tail and transforming into a juvenile frog with the body of an adult.

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to see a larger view

Northern Pacific Treefrog Northern Pacific Treefrog Northern Pacific Treefrog Northern Pacific Treefrog
2 days before leaving water
Day 1
of living on land
Day 2 Day 3
Northern Pacific Treefrog Northern Pacific Treefrog Northern Pacific Treefrog Northern Pacific Treefrog
Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Tail is completely absorbed

Go to the Sierra Treefrog Tadpoles page to see more pictures of what the eggs of the Pacific Treefrog look like

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