This is a List of all of the Different Types of Turtles, Worm Lizards,
and Crocodilians Shown on this Web Site, from California and Elsewhere

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This list is alphabetized by genus. Species are listed alphabetically under genus.

Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture.

Scientific Name Common Name Original Description Picture Alternate Name
Order Testudines Turtles Linnaeus, 1758   Chelonii
Actinemys Western Pond Turtles Agassiz, 1857   Clemmys, and Emys
Actinemys marmorata  (CA) + (NW) Northwestern Pond Turtle (Baird and Girard, 1852) Pacific Pond Turtle© Jackson Shedd Northern Western Pond Turtle
Western Pond Turtle - Actinemys marmorata; Clemmys marmorata
Actinemys pallida (CA) + (BC) Southwestern Pond Turtle (Seeliger 1945) Pacific Pond Turtle
Southern Western Pond Turtle
Western Pond Turtle - Actinemys marmorata; Clemmys marmorata
Apalone North American Softshells Rafinesque, 1832    
Apalone ferox (CA) + Florida Florida Softshell (Schneider, 1783) Turtle Florida Softshell Turtle
Apalone spinifera Spiny Softshell (LeSueur, 1827)    
  Apalone spinifera emoryi Texas Spiny Softshell (Agassiz, 1857) Texas Spiny Softshell  
  Apalone spinifera guadalupensis Guadalupe Spiny Softshell (Webb, 1962) Turtle  
Caretta Loggerhead Sea Turtles Rafinesque, 1814    
Caretta caretta Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Linnaeus, 1758) Loggerhead Sea Turtle  
Chelodina Long-necked Turtles Fitzinger, 1826    
Chelodina longicollis Eastern Snake-necked Turtle (Shaw, 1794) Eastern Long-necked Turtle
Chelonia Green Sea Turtles Brongniart, 1800    
Chelonia mydas (CA) + (BC) Green Sea Turtle (Linnaeus, 1758) Green Sea Turtle  
Chelydra Snapping Turtles Schweigger, 1812    
Chelydra serpentina (CA) + (MISC) Snapping Turtle (Linnaeus, 1758) Eastern Snapping Turtle  
Chrysemys Painted Turtles Gray, 1844    
Chrysemys picta Painted Turtle (Schneider, 1783)    
  Chrysemys picta bellii  (CA) + (NW) + (MISC) Western Painted Turtle (Gray, 1831) Western Painted Turtle
Western Painted Turtle
  Chrysemys picta picta Eastern Painted Turtle (Schneider, 1783) Eastern Painted Turtle  
Clemmys Spotted Turtles Ritgen, 1828    
Clemmys guttata Spotted Turtle (Schneider, 1792) Western Painted Turtle  
Dermochelys Leatherback Sea Turtles Blainville, 1816    
Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Sea Turtle (Vandelli, 1761) Leatherback on beach covering her eggs  
Eretmochelys Hawksbill Sea Turtles Fitzinger 1843    
Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Linnaeus, 1766)    
  Eretmochelys imbricata bissa Pacific Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Rüppell, 1835) Atlantic Hawksbill Sea Turtle  
Geochelone Typical Tortoises Fitzinger, 1835    
Geochelone elegans Indian Star Tortoise Schoepf, 1795 Turtle  
Gopherus Gopher Tortoises Rafinesque, 1832    
Gopherus agassizii (CA) + (SW) Desert Tortoise (Cooper, 1863) Desert Tortoise (Agassiz's Desert Tortoise)
Gopherus berlandieri Texas Tortoise (Agassiz, 1857) Turtle

Gopherus polyphemus Gopher Tortoise (Daudin, 1802) Turtle  
Graptemys Map Turtles Agassiz, 1857    
Graptemys versa Texas Map Turtle Stejneger, 1925 Turtle  
Kinosternon American Mud Turtles Spix, 1824    
Kinosternon arizonense

Arizona Mud Turtle (Gilmore, 1922) Arizona Mud Turtle Kinosternon stejnegeri
Kinosternon flavescens stejnegeri
Kinosternon flavescens arizonense
Kinosternon flavescens (TX) Yellow Mud Turtle (Agassiz, 1857) Turtle  
Kinosternon sonoriense Sonora Mud Turtle LeConte, 1854    
  Kinosternon sonoriense sonoriense (CA) + (SW) Sonora Mud Turtle LeConte, 1854 Sonoran Mud Turtle Desert Mud Turtle
Sonoran Mud Turtle
Kinosternon subrubrum Eastern Mud Turtle (Lacépède, 1788)    
  Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis Mississippi Mud Turtle Gray, 1855 Turtle  
  Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum Southeastern Mud Turtle (Lacepede, 1788) Southeastern Mud Turtle  
Lepidochelys Ridley Sea Turtles Fitzinger, 1843    
Lepidochelys olivacea Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Eschscholtz, 1829) Olive Ridley Sea Turtle  
Malaclemys Terrapin Gray, 1844    
Malaclemys terrapin Diamond-backed Terrapin (Schoepff, 1793)    
  Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota Ornate Diamond-backed Terrapin (Hay, 1904) Turtle  
Pseudemys Cooters Gray, 1856    
Pseudemys nelsoni Florida Red-bellied Cooter Carr, 1938 Florida Red-bellied Cooter  
Pseudemys peninsularis Peninsula Cooter Carr, 1938 Peninsular Cooter  
Pseudemys rubriventris Northern Red-bellied Cooter (LeConte, 1830) Western Painted Turtle  
Pseudemys texana Texas Cooter Baur, 1893 Turtle  
Sternotherus Musk Turtles Gray, 1825    
Sternotherus odoratus (TX) + (Misc) Eastern Musk Turtle (Latreille, in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801) Turtle Common Musk Turtle
Terrapene American Box Turtles Merrem, 1820    
Terrapene carolina Eastern Box Turtle (Linnaeus, 1758)    
  Terrapene carolina carolina Woodland Box Turtle (Linnaeus, 1758) Turtle  
Terapene ornata Ornate Box Turtle (Agassiz, 1857)    
  Terrapene ornata luteola (SW) + (TX) Desert Box Turtle Smith and Ramsey, 1952 Turtle
Trachemys Sliders Agassiz, 1857    
Trachemys gaigeae Mexican Plateau Slider (Hartweg, 1939)    
  Trachemys gaigeae gaigeae Big Bend Slider (Hartweg, 1939) turtle  
Trachemys nebulosa Baja California Slider (Van Denburgh, 1895) Turtle  
Trachemys scripta Pond Slider (Schoepff, 1792)    
  Trachemys scripta elegans (CA) + (TX) + (NW) + (MISC) Red-eared Slider (Wied-Neuwied, 1838) Red-eared Slider  
  Trachemys scripta scripta Yellow-bellied Slider (Schoepff, 1792) Yellow-bellied Slider  
Wollumbinia Saw-shelled Turtles Wells, 2007    
Wollumbinia bellii Bell’s Turtle (Gray, 1844) Bald Rock Creek Turtle
Elseya belli
Elseya latisternum
Myuchelys bellii
Wollumbinia latisternum Saw-shelled Turtle Gray, 1867 Elseya latisternum
Amphisbaenidae Worm Lizards      
Bipedidae Two-legged Worm Lizards Taylor, 1951    
Bipes Two-legged Worm Lizard Latreille, 1801    
Bipes biporus Five-toed Worm Lizard Cope, 1894 bipes

Crocodilia Crocodilians      
Alligator Alligators Cuvier, 1807    
Alligator mississipiensis (TX) + (MISC) American Alligator (Daudin, 1802 “1801”) alligator
Caiman Caimans Spix, 1825    
Caiman crocodilus Spectacled Caiman (Linnaeus, 1758) caiman White Caiman, Common Caiman
Crocodylus Crocodiles Laurenti, 1768    
Crocodylus acutus American Crocodile Cuvier, 1807 crocodile  
If an animal is listed more than once, one of the symbols below will be added to indicate which region the listing covers.

CA = California page
BC = Baja California page
NW = Northwest page
TX = Texas page
SW = Southwest Page
MISC = Any areas not listed above


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