A Guide to the Amphibians
and Reptiles of California

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California Kingsnake - Lampropeltis californiae
Page 3 - Habitat

(= Lampropeltis getula californiae)
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California Kingsnake Range Map
Range in California: Red

observation link


Pictures and information about this snake and its habitat have been put on three pages:
Page 1, the main page, shows pictures of the more common banded form of the California Kingsnake, plus a range map, a description and natural history information, references, and links to more information.
Page 2 illustrates naturally-occurring aberrant morph California Kingsnakes.
Page 3, this page, shows some of the wide variety of habitats utilized by California Kingsnakes.

The California Kingsnake occurs in many habitats, including deserts, woodlands, grasslands, chaparral, agricultural, and riparian areas, which puts them almost anywhere in California. These are a few of the locations or habitat types where they have been found.

california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat
Grassland/Riparian Habitat,
San Joaquin County
Oak/Grassland habitat,
Alameda County
Oak/Grassland habitat,
Alameda County
Oak/Grassland habitat,
Alameda County
california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat
Coastal San Diego County grassland habitat that is rapidly disappearing due to development. © Brian Hinds Coastal scrub habitat,
San Diego County
Habitat, Marin County Coastal scrub habitat,
San Diego County
california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat tiger salamander habitat
Semi-arid grassland habitat, (in March of a wet winter) western Riverside County Habitat, coastal San Diego County grassland, 2000. This area has since been bulldozed and developed. Desert scrub habitat, Inyo County Oak/Grassland habitat,
Alameda County
california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat
Habitat, coastal Monterey County Marsh and mixed woodland habitat,
Lake County
Grassland habitat, coastal
San Luis Obispo County
Oak/Grassland habitat, Yuba County
california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat california kingsnake habitat
Sierra Nevada foothills habitat,
El Dorado County
Agricultural riparian habitat,
Fresno County
Habitat, Kings County Coastal habitat, San Diego County
Red Diamond Rattlesnake Habitat Mohave Glossy Snake Habitat Mohave Glossy Snake Habitat Red Diamond Rattlesnake Habitat
Habitat, coastal chapparal-covered hill surrounded by suburbs,
San Diego County
Habitat, Inyo County desert Habitat, marsh grasslands,
Lake County
Habitat, hillside coastal chaparral,
San Diego County
california kingsnake habitat Mohave Glossy Snake Habitat Great Basin Fence Lizard Habitat
Kingsnake tracks in coastal habitat,
San Diego County
Alkali soil habitat, Alameda County
© Mark Gary
Habitat, Santa Cruz Mountains
© Zachary Lim
Habitat, Santa Ana Mountains,
Riverside County
California Kingsnake  
Valley grassland Eiseni Morph habitat
Merced County © Holly Lane
Juvenile in grassland habitat, Alameda County © Faris K Woodland habitat, Santa Clara County
© Yuval Helfman
California Kingsnakes
california kingsnake california kingsnake    
Go to Page 1 to see to see pictures of the more common banded form of the California Kingsnake, plus a range map, a species description and natural history information, references, and links to more information.

Go to Page 2 to see some other naturally-occurring aberrant morphs of California Kingsnakes.

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