Also known as Horny Toads.
Small, wide, flattened, lizards, with spiked scales on a rounded body, and horns surrounding a large head. Slow-moving, tending to run short distances, then hiding by blending in to the surroundings.
Active in daytime. Typically found in open sandy areas in deserts, chaparral, grassland, often near ant hills. Often seen basking on asphalt roads or low rocks in the morning or afternoon.
Blainville's (Coast) Horned Lizard - Phrynosoma (Anota) coronatum |
Flat-tailed Horned Lizard Phrynosoma (Anota) mcallii
Found in areas with fine wind-blown sand in the Colorado desert in the southeast corner of the state. The dark line down the middle of the back will distinguish it from the Desert horned lizard. A very fast runner. Can be mistaken for other fast lizards such as Fringe-toed lizards. |
Desert Horned Lizard - Phrynosoma (Doliosaurus) platyrhinos |
Two subspecies occur in California. |
Southern Desert Horned Lizard
Phrynosoma (Doliosaurus) platyrhinos calidiarum |
Northern Desert Horned Lizard
Phrynosoma (Doliosaurus) platyrhinos platyhrinos |
Red: Southern Desert Horned Lizard
Blue: Northern Desert Horned Lizard |
Pygmy Short-horned Lizard - Phrynosoma (Tapaja) douglssii
Found only in the far northeast corner of California, typically in forest clearings and sagebrush deserts. |
Red: Potential Range
Blue dots: Areas from which some museum specimens were taken |
Comparison of Blainville's (Coast) Horned Lizard with Desert Horned Lizard (based on Stebbins, 2003) |
Count the number of rows of fringed scales on the sides
Blainsville's Horned Lizards have 2 rows of pointed fringed scales on the lower part of each side of the body.
Desert Horned Lizards have only 1 row of fringed scales on each side of the body |
Count the rows of enlarged pointed scales on each side of the throat
Blainsville's Horned Lizards have 2 or 3 rows of enlarged pointed scales on each side of the throat. |
Desert Horned Lizards have only 1 row of slightly enlarged scales on each side of the throat. |