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Comparison of Western Fence Lizards - Sceloporus occidentalis,
with Sagebrush Lizards Found in California

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These species look very much alike. Both are small brownish lizards with keeled "spiny" scales that reach about the same length of 3.5 inches (9 cm) but there are a few differences that can be observed if you can see a lizard in hand or close-up.

Western Fence Lizards have larger keeled scales on the back than Sagebrush Lizards.
fence lizard and sagebrush lizard comparison fence lizard and sagebrush lizard comparison  
Dorsal view - Common Sagebrush Lizard, Sceloporus graciosus, on the left, Western Fence Lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, on the right. Note the larger dorsal scales on the Fence Lizard.
© Patrick Briggs
Head view - Common Sagebrush Lizard on the left, Western Fence Lizard on the right. © Patrick Briggs  
sagabrush lizard scales western fence lizard scales  
Sagebrush Lizards have overlapping scales with sharp spines on the back. Western Fence Lizards have larger overlapping scales with longer spines on the back.  
Fence Lizards have Keeled scales on the back of their thighs.
Sagebrush Lizards have smaller granular scales on the backs of their thighs.
fence lizard and sagebrush lizard comparison keeled thighs Northern Sagebrush Lizard
Comparison of the rear thighs of a Common Sagebrush Lizard - on top, and a Western Fence Lizard - on the bottom.

Note the granular scales on the Common Sagebrush Lizard and the keeled orange (sometimes yellow) scales on the Western Fence Lizard.
Close-up of the keeled scales on the rear thigh of a Western Fence Lizard.

Close-up of the granular scales on the rear thigh of a Common Sagebrush Lizard.
Sagebrush Lizards Have a Black Bar on the Shoulder
Northern Sagebrush Lizard Western Sagebrush Lizard Northern Sagebrush Lizard
Sagebrush Lizards have a black mark on the sides in front of the forelimb that is not present on most Western Fence Lizards.
(Some Fence Lizards in Northern California have a black mark, but it is not as well-defined as it is on the Sagebrush Lizard.)
San Joaquin Fence Lizard Coast Range Fence Lizard Coast Range Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizards
Sagebrush Lizards Have Rusty Coloring in the Armpits
Western Sagebrush Lizard lizard  
Sagebrush Lizards sometimes have rusty coloring behind the front legs
which is not present on Western Fence Lizards.
Great Basin Fence Lizard Great Basin Fence Lizard  
Western Fence Lizards  
Western Fence Lizards Have Yellow Coloring on the Back of the Thighs.
Coast Range Fence Lizard fence lizard Northwestern Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizards usually have yellow or orange coloring on the
back of the thighs which is not present on Common Sagebrush Lizards.
  Northern Sagebrush Lizard  
  Common Sagebrush Lizard  
Comparison Photos
fence lizard and sagebrush lizard comparison fence lizard and sagebrush lizard comparison  
Common Sagebrush Lizard (left)
Great Basin Fence Lizard (right)
Ventral view - Western Fence Lizard on the left, Common Sagebrush Lizard on the right. Note the yellow on the back of the thighs on the Western Fence Lizard.
© Patrick Briggs
The Northern California Herpetological Society website also has a great comparison page you can use:
Distinguishing Between Western Fence Lizards and Common Sagebrush Lizards.

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