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Eggs and Tadpoles of Baja California Treefrog -
Pseudacris hypochondriaca hypochondriaca 

(Hallowell, 1854)

(= Pacific Chorus Frog, = Pacific Treefrog. See Alternate Names)
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Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs
Eggs, Kern County Eggs, Kern County Eggs, Kern County Eggs and tadpole, Kern County
Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs
Eggs, Kern County Eggs, Kern County Eggs, Kern County Eggs, Riverside County © Jeff Ahrens
Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs
Eggs, San Diego County © Jeff Ahrens Eggs in a vernal pool in Santa Barbara County © Max Roberts
Scaphiopus couchii Couch's Spadefoot Eggs      
Egg masses of two frog species laid next to each other in the same pool:
Top - Baja California Treefrog eggs
Bottom - Western Spadefoot eggs
Riverside County © Nathan Kudla


Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Baja California Treefrog Baja California Treefrog
Mature tadpole with rear legs Tadpole, Riverside County © Jeff Ahrens Tadpoles, Riverside County © Jeff Ahrens
Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpoles Baja California Treefrog Tadpole  
Tadpole, Kern County A group of tadpoles at the shallow edge of a slow creek, Kern County Tadpole just about to transform, Los Angeles County. © Jonathan Smith  
Comparisons With Tadpoles of Sympatric Species
Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole rana boylii tadpole Sierran Treefrog Tadpole
CA Red-legged Frog tadpole
Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris)
CA Red-legged Frog tadpole
Treefrog tadpole (Pseudacris)
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog tadpole (Top)
Treefrog Tadpole (Pseudacris)
Comparison of Treefrog Tadpole (Pseudacris regilla group) (Top)
with Toad Tadpole
(Anaxyrus boreas) (Bottom)
The eyes of Treefrog tadpoles (Pseudacris) extend to the margins of the head when seen from above, while the eyes of tapoles of the sympatric California Red-legged Frog are inset from the margins of the head, as you can see in the above photos from  Alameda County. © Joseph E. DiDonato.
Seen from above, the eyes of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog are located away from the side of the head and the eyes of a treefrog tadpole, Pseudacris regilla, are located at the edge of the head.  
The following pictures show an egg mass and some of the tadpoles that hatched from it over a period of about a month
Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs Baja California Treefrog Eggs
Eggs, day 1 Eggs five days later showing developing tadpoles, day 6
Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole
Tadpoles 3 days later on day of hatching, day 9 Tadpoles 9 days later, day 18
Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole
Tadpoles, 3 days later, day 21 Tadpole, 1 day later, day 22
Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole Baja California Treefrog Tadpole
Tadpoles, 6 days later, day 28
Breeding Habitat
Baja California Treefrog Habitat Baja California Treefrog Habitat Baja California Treefrog Habitat Baja California Treefrog Habitat
Breeding and egg deposition site, Tehachapi Mountains, Kern County

Habitat, 340 ft. Kern County Breeding and oviposition habitat,
San Diego County © Jeff Ahrens
Tadpole Predators
Coast Gartersnake Coast Gartersnake    
This juvenile Two-striped Gartersnake is eating a Baja California Treefrog
tadpole in Los Angeles County. © NPS
Short Videos
Baja California Treefrog eggs Baja California Treefrog tadpole Baja California Treefrog tadpoles  
Baja California Treefrog eggs at the edge of a creek in March. Baja California Treefrog tadpoles in an aquarium a month after hatching. Baja California Treefrog tadpoles in a pool at the edge of a creek in June.  

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