Listen to this toad:

A short example

More sounds of
Anaxyrus retiformis
Adult, Pima County, Arizona |
Calling adult male, Pima County, Arizona |
Calling adult male, Pima County, Arizona |
Adult, Pima County, Arizona |
Adult female, Pima County, Arizona |
Adult, Pima County, Arizona
Adult male, Pima County, Arizona |
Habitat |
Habitat, Pima County, Arizona
Breeding habitat, Pima County, Arizona |
Breeding habitat, Pima County, Arizona |
Short Videos |
A male Sonoran Green Toad calls at night from dry ground about three feet above a flooded ditch. |
A male Sonoran Green Toad stops calling and leaps after a flying insect attracted to my video lights. Catching it with his tongue, he backs up and swallows it.