Blue = C. p. bellii
Click map to enlarge and see key to subspecies
Adult, Manitoba, Canada |
Adult 2, Manitoba, Canada |
Adult flipping itself over off its back, Manitoba, Canada |
Adult, molting scutes on its shell, Larimer County, Colorado, © Janet Hardin
As a turtle grows, the shell grows with it and the individual scutes are shed annually. This helps the shell from getting too thick and heavy and helps to remove algae and other growths that occur from living in the water. |
Basking adults, Manitoba, Canada |
Habitat |
Habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Tommy Turtle, Boissevann,
Manitoba, Canada |
Short Videos |
Painted turtles at a pond in Okanagan County, Washington. |
Painted turtles at a wetlands in Canada. |