Approximate range of P. catenifer
Yellow = range of P. c. affinis
Click map to enlarge and see other subspecies names.
Adult, Presidio County, Texas |
Adult, Brewster County, Texas
Habitat |
Habitat, Presidio County, Texas |
Habitat, Presidio County, Texas |
Short Videos |
A huge Sonoran Gophersnake puts on an impressive defensive display of hissing and blowing. |
Gophersnakes in the wild often take a defensive stance when threatened; they hiss, rear up, and sometimes even strike at the threat in order to protect themselves from harm. In this video, a newly-hatched juvenile Sonoran Gopher Snake trying to cross a road at night is threatened by the bright light and the video camera stuck in its face so it hisses loudly and strikes at the camera before crawling away. |
A Sonoran Gophersnake races across a road just after sunset. |