A Guide to the Amphibians
and Reptiles of California


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The following people have helped me in some way with the California Reptiles and Amphibians website (whether they know it or not) either by helping me to find animals to photograph, or by providing animals, photographs, information, encouragement, inspiration, or good company.

By listing a name here I do not mean to imply that this named person necessarily endorses this web site.
I have not listed all of the photographers who have generously let me use their pictures here. Most of them are thanked by being included on the list of contributing photographers. I apologize to anyone I have forgotten to thank.

Ed Acuna
Brad Alexander - Best Pizza and Photography in the Sierra Nevada
Walter Allen
Robert Applegate - Applegate Reptiles
Randy Babb - Arizona Game & Fish
April Barreca
Alan Barron
Sean Barry
Dick Bartlett - Amazon Ecotours, Reptiles Magazine
Todd Battey - Southern California Reptiles and Amphibians field guide app.
Steve Bledsoe
Steven Boone
Jeff Boundy
Dr. Joe Bouvier
Tom Brennan - Reptiles and Amphibians of Arizona
Carl R. Brune
Tim Burkhardt - His Mexico Herpetology website.
Steven Caldwell
Ryan Calsbeek
Joe Cirone
John Clare
Joseph T. Collins
Terry Cox
Carlos Davidson
Guntram Deichsel -
Dylan Ditterich-Reed
Rory Doolin
Eric Dugan
Brian Eager -
Jeremiah Easter
Lang Elliott
Edward Ervin
Krista Fahy - Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Jerry Feldner
Marty Feldner
Gary Fellers
William Flaxington - Field Observations of California Amphibians and Reptiles
Joe Forks
Michael M. Fuller
Mark Gary
Bobby Goodman
Chris Gruenwald
Bob Haas
Jonathan Hakim
Lisa Hallock
Robert Hansen - Herpetological Review
Andrew Harmer
Chris Harrison
Marc Hayes
Troy Hibbits
Brian Hinds - "Fundad"
John Hirt
John Hollister - Herping the Trans Pecos
Richard Hoyer
Ryan Hoyer
Brian Hubbs - author of "Mountain Kings" and "Common Kingsnakes" and more.
Don Huffman
Jeanne A. Jackson - author of Mendonoma Sightings Throughout The Year
Jack Jeansonne
Mark R. Jennings
Chris Jones
Jason Jones -
Tom Jones
Carl Kauffeld
David Keegan
Kerby - Snakes of Arizona
Laurence M. Klauber
Ceal Klinger
Eddie Konno - CA Dept. Fish & Game
Steven Krause - Humboldt County Herpetological Society
Shawn Kuchta
Michael Lannoo
Jeff Lemm
Michelle Lester
Jonel Lopez - Selective Propagations
Kelly R. McAllister - Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Jim Melli - San Diego Natural History Museum
Gerold and Cindy Merker
Jessica Miller
Mitch Mulks - Author of "Zonata".
Edgar Ortega
Ted Pappenfuss
Lori Paul
Jason Penny - Snakes of Hudspeth County, Texas
Jordan Perrett -
David Peterson
Joshua Puhn
Dr. Phil Ralidus
Daniel "Rattlesnakeman"
Chris Rombough
Dr. Art Ruff
Richard Seaman - Richard Seaman's Web Site
John Schilling -
Dr. Gordon W. Schuett
Cecil Schwalbe
Josh Shatsky
Gina Sheridan
John Slone
Kirk Sowell
Rick Staub
Robert Stebbins
John Stephenson - FieldHerp Forum /
Eric Stitt
Andy Stocker
John Stoklosa
Zack Sturbaum
John Sullivan - and
Michael Tuma
Paul C. Ustach
Victor Velasquez - El Serpentario, La Paz, Baja California
Kent Vansooy
Patrick Viehoever
Dr. David Wake - UC Berkeley Laboratory
Henk Wallays
Roxanne Ward
Scott Waters - FieldHerp Forum /
Will Wells - Desert Reptiles and Landscapes
Susan Whitford
Samantha Winegarner
Mike Wolverton
Kenny Wray
Glen Wylie - USGS
Anish Yelekar
Stuart, Andrew, Eric, and David Young
Steve Zimmerman


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