Photos of Salamanders from the Appalachian Mountains Region

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This is not a complete list of all of the species of salamanders found in the Appalachian Mountains region.
It is a list of salamanders from the region and their habitat that I have photographed, with a few pictures contributed by other people. Some of them were not found in the Appalachian Mountains, but they do occur there.

When I have found and photographed one of these Appalachian species in another area where they occur, I have added them to these pages rather than create a new page for them.

Click on a name link to see photos of a particular species.

Spotted Salamander
Scientific Name Common Name Original Description
Caudata Salamanders Scopoli, 1777
Ambystoma Mole Salamanders Tschudi, 1838
Ambystoma maculatum Spotted Salamander (Shaw, 1802)
Ambystoma opacum Mabled Salamander Gravenhorst (1807)
Aneides Climbing Salamanders Baird, 1851
Aneides aeneus Green Salamander (Cope and Packard, 1881)
Cryptobranchus Hellbender Leuckart, 1821
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Hellbender (Daudin, 1803)
  Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis Eastern Hellbender Daudin 1803
Desmognathus Dusky Salamanders Baird, 1850
Desmognathus aeneus Seepage Salamander Brown and Bishop, 1947
Desmognathus carolinensis Carolina Mountain Dusky Salamander Dunn, 1916
Desmognathus folkertsi Dwarf Black-bellied Salamander Camp, Tilley, Austin, and Marshall, 2002
Desmognathus fuscus Northern Dusky Salamander (Rafinesque, 1820)
Desmognathus imitator Imitator Salamander Dunn, 1927
Desmognathus monticola Seal Salamander Dunn, 1916
Desmognathus ochrophaeus Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander Cope, 1859
Desmognathus ocoee Ocoee Salamander Nicholls, 1949
Desmognathus orestes Blue Ridge Dusky Salamander Tilley and Mahoney, 1996
Desmognathus organi Northern Pygmy Salamander Crespi, Brown, and Rissler, 2010
Desmognathus quadramaculatus Black-bellied Salamander (Holbrook, 1840)
Desmognathus santeetlah Santeetlah Dusky Salamander Tilley, 1981
Desmognathus wrighti Pygmy Salamander King 1936
Eurycea Brook Salamanders Rafinesque, 1822
Eurycea bislineata Northern Two-lined Salamander (Green, 1818)
Eurycea cirrigera Southern Two-lined Salamander (Green, 1830)
Eurycea longicauda Long-tailed Salamander (Green, 1818)
  Eurycea longicauda longicauda Eastern Long-tailed Salamander Green 1818
Eurycea lucifuga Cave Salamander Rafinesque, 1822
Eurycea wilderae Blue Ridge Two-lined Salamander Dunn, 1920
Gyrinophilus Spring Salamanders Cope, 1869
Grinophilus porphyriticus Spring Salamander (Green, 1827)
  Gyrinophilus porphyriticus danielsi Blue Ridge Spring Salamander (Blatchley, 1901)
  Gyrinophilus porphyriticus dunni Carolina Spring Salamander Mittleman and Jopson, 1941
  Gyrinophilus porphyriticus porphyriticus Northern Spring Salamander (Green, 1827)
Notophthalmus Eastern Newts Rafinesque, 1820
Notophthalmus viridescens Eastern Newt (Rafinesque, 1820)
Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens Red-spotted Newt (Rafinesque, 1820)
Plethodon Woodland Salamanders Tschudi, 1838
Plethodon aureolis Tellico Salamander Highton, 1983
Plethodon chattahoochee Chattahoochee Slimy Salamander Highton, 1989
Plethodon cheoah Cheoah Bald Salamander Highton and Peabody, 2000
Plethodon cinereus Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Green, 1818)
Plethodon cylindraceus White-spotted Slimy Salamander (Harlan, 1825)
Plethodon dorsalis Northern Zigzag Salamander Cope, 1889
Plethodon glutinosus Northern Slimy Salamander (Green, 1818)
Plethodon hubrichti Peaks of Otter Salamander Thurow, 1957
Plethodon jordani Red-cheeked Salamander Blatchley, 1901
Plethodon kentucki Cumberland Plateau Salamander Mittleman, 1951
Plethodon metcalfi Southern Graycheek Salamander Brimley, 1912
Plethodon montanus Northern Graycheek Salamander Highton and Peabody, 2000
Plethodon nettingi Cheat Mountain Salamander Green, 1938
Plethodon petraeus Pigeon Mountain Salamander Wynn, Highton and Jacobs, 1988
Plethodon punctatus Cow Knob Salamander (White-spotted Salamander) Highton, 1971
Plethodon richmondi Southern Ravine Salamander Netting and Mittleman 1938
Plethodon shenandoah Shenandoah Salamander Highton and Worthington, 1967
Plethodon shermani Red-legged Salamander Stejneger, 1906
Plethodon teyahalee Southern Appalachian Salamander Hairston, 1950
Plethodon virginia Shenandoah Mountain Salamander Highton, 1999
Plethodon wehrlei Wehrle's Salamander Fowler and Dunn, 1917
Plethodon welleri Weller's Salamander Walker, 1931
Plethodon yonahlossee Yonahlossee Salamander Dunn, 1917
Pseudotriton Red and Mud Salamanders Tschudi, 1838
Pseudotriton ruber Red Salamander (Latreille, 1801)
  Pseudotriton ruber ruber Northern Red Salamander Latreille 1801
  Pseudotriton ruber schenki Black-chinned Red Salamander (Brimley, 1912)

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