Multiple Mirror Effects in Movies

Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)

Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
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Paul plans to restore an old movie theater in Manhattan that he owns. He shows his young girlfriend a large room behind the movie screen that is filled with scattered mirrors, telling her that it used to be all mirrors and that he is having the broken glass replaced during the renovation which will take place after the theater's Orson Wells film festival.

Some time later, as the mirror maze sequence from The Lady From Shanghai plays in the theater (which shows a shootout between a man and his wife) we see a real shootout taking place in the backstage room full of mirrors, reflected in the many mirrors along with the movie. Paul is chasing Woody Allen's character who is sneaking through the room to rescue his wife, when Paul's jealous assistant Mrs. Dalton shows up holding a gun. She chastises him for dumping her for a young model, and then they shoot at each other.

The plot and some of the dialog also reflect the plot of The Lady From Shanghai - both films have shootouts in mirrored rooms between a man and a woman who are romantically involved, and both films involve jealousy, murder for money schemes, and a shooter who walks with a limp and uses a cane. And just as Everett Sloane in The Lady From Shanghai says "Of course killing you is like killing myself... But you know, I'm pretty tired of both of us" then shoots his gun, Mrs. Dalton says the exact words to Paul then shoots him.