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Lizards in Movies
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Lizard Screenshot Lizard Screenshot Lizard Screenshot
This post-apocalyptic classic takes place in the Australian desert where gasoline has become a valuable commodity. It has a brief scene with a lizard that is just background decoration, but it's memorable to me because it's one of my favorite Australian lizards called a Shingleback Skink or Bobtail Lizard and I don't think I've ever seen one of them in a movie before. The movie also has some really good snake scenes.

We see the lizard when the leader of a violent car gang called The Lord Humungus and his men have surrounded a fort because they want to take all the gasoline from the fort people. We see The Humungus and his men in the background with a pre-teen boy hiding in a hole in the foreground and behind him is the lizard, sitting on the dirt. The boy later throws a sharp boomerang to kill one of The Humungus' men, then he scrambles into the hole, which I assume leads back into the fort. Later we are told that the boy grew up to be the leader of a great northern tribe.