These are songs that mention reptiles and amphibians, aka herps. A few are all about herps, but most just reference a herp in some way or use a herp as a metaphor, and a few just use the sounds of calling Pacific Treefrogs. Some of these are good songs worth repeated listening, others are only curiosities, and some are just plain bad.
There aren't too many songs that are specifically about herps, but there must be a thousand songs with a mention of a snake in the lyrics, and another thousand mentioning alligators, frogs, lizards and turtles, etc. (Salamander mentions are rare, as most people hardly know what they are.) It would be pointless to try to include all of those songs on this list, especially since you can find lists like that on Wikipedia and elsewhere. So I will only list a few songs that I have heard and think are worth at least a listen, at least for the sake of novelty, if not necessarily the music. Links to song versions on YouTube are included if I can find them, but beware that the links might be broken since music videos are often removed from that site for copyright reasons.
The songs are listed alphabetically by band name or artist last name, not by title. I'll add new songs to the list as I discover them. Let me know if there's something that's not here that should be. The lyrics come from the Internet, and we all know how unreliable that can be. Also, some of these songs may contain explicit lyrics that are not mentioned in the descriptions here.
The lyrics quoted here are all the property and copyright of their owners and are provided here for educational purposes only.