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Turtles in Movies |
The Lineup (1958) |
Spoiler Alert !
Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a crime film based on a TV series, directed by Don Siegel who made Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Escape From Alcatraz, Dirty Harry, and other great films. This is not his best but it's enjoyable for it's great San Francisco locations (including a chase scene on the Embarcadero freeway that was still under construction at the time) and for its two villains, played by Eli Wallach and Robert Keith.
Wallach and Keith's characters have been hired to track down and recover packages of heroin that were smuggled into the country hidden in objects carried by unsuspecting travelers. They follow one of the travelers to the Steinhart Aquarium. The establishing shot of the outside of the Steinhart building dissolves into a shot of a sea turtle swimming in its tank and we see the men standing in front of a tank labelled Sea Turtles.
The old aquarium was torn down to build a new one with better conditions for the animals and more attractions for children, but I kind of miss the old dark musty rooms full of herps. |