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Turtles in Movies
Decision to Leave (2022) (Heojil kyolshim)
Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Turtle Screenshot Turtle Screenshot Turtle Screenshot
Turtle Screenshot Turtle Screenshot Turtle Screenshot
Turtle Screenshot Turtle Screenshot Turtle Screenshot
This is a Korean crime drama about a detective who falls in love with the wife of a murder victim who is also a suspect. His wife tells him he's depressed and recommends to him that he take soft-shell turtle juice to cure his depression. Later his police department gets a report that 58 soft-shelled turtles with a market price of over $3,000 dollars were stolen. One of the officers asks why they're worth so much and another tells her that they help depression in middle-aged men. They get a call in their police car that the turtle burglary suspects drove off on a motorcycle so they find and chase them until the motorcycle overturns and all the turtles escape.

As they catch and bag the turtles, one officer warns the detective that the turtles have a bad disposition and he should watch his fingers but the warning comes too late as the officer nearly loses a finger to one of the turtles. At the end we see the officer at home with a turtle in a plastic bag, telling his wife that he returned some stolen goods. It looks like he's planning on taking her advice to use turtle juice as an anti-depressant.

After seeing this, I wondered if soft-shell turtles are really used as a depression remedy. I didn't find out for sure but I did find several mentions of soft-shell turtle extracts and eggs used medicinally in Asia.