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Turtles in Movies |
Bone Dry (2007) |
Spoiler Alert !
Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a revenge thriller about a mystery man named Jimmy who forces a seemingly innocent guy named Eddie to walk through the Mojave desert and tortures him with ambushes and traps and a sniper rifle as he follows him in a jeep. We only find out at the end that Eddie is a bad buy and that Jimmy is seeking revenge for his murders. I know, I just spoiled it. I don't reccomend it, because it's basically all about sadistic torture - Jimmy chains Eddie's arms around a saguaro cactus, buries him up to his neck in dirt, lashes him to the hood of his truck, and does even more fun stuff to him.
In the tortoise scene, Eddie
is walking in the desert late one evening when he sees a Desert Tortoise. We see him bend over it, then they cut to him sitting by a fire at night roasting and eating the tortoise in the shell. He pulls the hot shell apart with his hands. In the morning, he wakes up next to a shell that is bleached out and completely picked clean.
The first turtle we see is a Desert Tortoise, but there's no need to freak out because the filmmakers cooked an endangered animal because the shell he ate from is a different kind of turtle with a smoother shell, probably a Red-eared Slider. While people all over the world eat sliders, it's not likely this one was killed for the movie or that he was eating turtle meat. It could have been anything. |