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Turtles in Movies |
Arabesque (1966) |
Spoiler Alert !
Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a suspense story with some wild camera work that is accompanied by a great score by Henry Mancini and directed by Stanley Donen who also directed "Singin' in the Rain" and the similar suspense story "Charade."
In the turtle scene, Sophia Loren and Gregory Peck's characters are chased by a man through the Zoological Gardens in London. There are lots of interesting shots of them running past animals in barred cages (zoos were designed for the view of the patrons in those days, not for the comfort of the animals). Then we see them filmed through various aquariums, and running in front of a large tank holding some sea turtles. The chase continues above the turtle tanks and doesn't end well for the man chasing them who is drowned in one of the tanks. The sea turtles are here only as background, but it's a nice scene. |