This film-noir is a remake of Fear in the Night (1946) by the same director and screenwriter and the same plot but with different character names. The movie begins begins with Stan, a New Orleans musician, describing a nightmare that we see on screen. We hear his voiceover:
"At first, all I could see was this face. This beautiful babe's face floating toward me. And in my head was this slow crazy melody, like a tune from another world. Then I saw the room, a queer mirrored room, and somehow I was inside it. There was danger there. I knew that. I wanted to turn and run, but I couldn't. It was as if my brain was handcuffed, that I had to do what I had come to do." We see Stan in a mirrored room with a woman and a man who fights with him until Stan kills him. When he wakes up, he suspects that the dream really happened. Upset because he thinks he murdered someone, and wanting to find clues that will lead him to the truth, Stan tries to find out where the mirrored room is and seeks the help of his brother--in-law, a police detective named Rene.
We see the mirrored room two more times, first after Stan goes on a picnic in the country with Rene and his sister and his girlfriend. When it starts pouring rain, they go into a mansion to get dry. Stan knew the mansion was there, but didn't remember why he knew it. He and Rnee go upstairs into the mirrored room where they find some dried blood. This leads Rene to suspect that Stan really did murder a man.
We see the room a third time after Rene brings Stan there to confront the actual murderer, the man who hypnotized Stan. |