Multiple Mirror Effects in Movies

Inception (2010)

Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
screenshot screenshot screenshot

Dom Cobb is a corporate espionage outlaw who steals secrets from the subconscious of his victims in shared dreams, but this time he plans to plant an idea into the mind of a man in the dream. He can't create it himself, so he hires a college student named Ariadne to design the architecture of a shared dream. When he is first teaching her how to build a realistic dream world with him as the subject whose subconscious is projected in the dream, they are both wired up and dreaming that they're walking around in Paris. Still learning what she is capable of doing in the dream, she decides to have a little fun and messes with the physics of the dream world by bending the streets and buildings overhead, defying gravity, then closing two large mirrored doors in the middle of a bike path so they face each other making an infinite mirror. Then she puts the palm of hand on one of the doors to smash the glass.

The scene starts at about 31:40.