Halls of Mirrors and Mirror Mazes in Movies

Fear (1990)

Spoiler Alert !

Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
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A woman who helps police solve murders by making a psychic connection with the murderer connects with another psychic who is also a serial-killing slasher who feeds on his victims' fears. He lets her know that he plans to make her his next victim. When they are connected and she knows he is chasing her she leads him to a traveling carnival where he follows her into a mirror maze called the Chamber of Fear. He laughs telling her he is glad to finally meet her face to face to face in the chamber of fear. She starts smashing his image in the mirrors with a large fireman's flashlight and then hits him directly, making him drop his knife and rush out of the mirror room.

The scene starts at about 1:24:15